For a while. On Thursday night 13th April I dreamed that I had been appointed to the staff at St. Augustine's Church in Bristol. Appointed with me was Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook, Professor of Practical Theology and Religious Education at Claremont School of Theology . ( I knew Sheryl when she was on the staff of the Former Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, MA) In the dream a more senior member of the St. Augustine's staff asked Sheryl and me to move some hessian (burlap) sacks (contents we knew not) to the Church Undercroft. I began to dismount from a large chest on which I had been sitting, and fell to the ground. I had indeed fallen. But I had fallen out of bed. I banged up my shoulder, but no bones were broken. I am a restless sleeper. I toss and turn, never finding comfort. I may start the night in my bed, then half asleep, move to a recliner, then back to bed. Zion hears me quoting Scripture (totally out of cont...