Two "whys"


Why is it that every time we 'phone a Doctor's Office or a Clinic we are greeted with "please listen carefully to the menu,  as our options may have changed"? Oh Yeah?

Why is it that the renewal of  the meds from my heart doctor have been frozen?  (Allegedly since last Oct).

No word from the Doctor about this, so I suspect it's the work of a malevolent computer.

A call to the Doctor's Office goes unanswered,  So my wonderful Pharmacist has to fax the Doctor's Office to stir the pot.  Without her I'd run out of all meds ....  and ...?

I know that there is a low level boycott of Walgreen's (it's all to do with their refusal to carry the "morning after" pill in certain retrograde States).  But we live in a difficult and fragmented world in which the perfect can be the enemy of the good.

I am entirely grateful for my local Walgreens where the Pharmacist knows me by name!


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