From the Utterly Bland Until Taste Budzs Were Awakened.
I was born in 1944. The foods I remember from the 1950's could have been hall marked "BLAND". This was the case for Americans and for Brits.
But in the U.K. "bland food du jour" was exacerbated because of rationing - 1940-1954.
Winter dinners were heavy on root vegetables - spuds, parsnips. carrots etc., and maybe dried peas which had been soaked into life.
Our Sunday dinners were enhanced with over-cooked beef or lamb; and tolerable pork. "No spices please" we are British!
We survived. Mum did a great job with limited resources. She and my oldest sister Maureen were past masters in making Apple Pie.
Dear Mum didn't encounter something as wildly exotic as Spaghetti Bolognese until my youngest sister Ruth introduced it to her in about 1976. Mum liked it!
In my old age I am bolder. Not so much at home, but when I eat out.
At home it is cheese
You saw this yesterday
Alpine Blossom soft cheese from Austria. Made from Cows' Raw Milk, with wildflowers. GUT GOOD.
I am also a bit crazy about Raclette, especially the one with Wild Herbs. The version with chili pepper is O.K. but the chili flavour tends to overwhelm the cheese itself
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