Photo' for dramatic reasons,

Yesterday's  cataract procedure on my left eye went well.

The Doctor was running late (so what's new).  I went  into the operation room 35 minutes late, but emerged 20  minutes earlier than the scheduled time.

It's all painless.   I was so utterly relaxed on the gurney (the mild IV anesthetic probably helped). The surgery felly like a soothing eye massage.

I'll  have a check up at 8:00 today (Friday)  Then I'll most probably cleared for driving.

The eye is still sore (I am allowed to use medically approved eye drops at will).  My left eye sight is still very blurry - it will be two or three days before I get the full benefits,

Now I know what to expect when I have my right eye fixed on 20th April.

The photograph?  I covered my eye with a Perspex shield so that I could not rub it in my sleep.


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