Follow up on Zion Being A Scamp on April 25th (Memories From November 2018)

 April 25th Blog


Yesterday (24th April 2023)  the woman who does my yard clean up work came to the door.    I opened it without a thought.  Zion took advantage of this, and disappeared.

I called his name - no response.  I walked to the driveway. Zion had skedaddled to a unit four hundred yards down the road.

WHY?   The Mail Truck was there.  "Mail Truck = Mail Man=Treat" 

I whistled and Z came loping back.  It is a lovely sight.  The yard work woman said "it's like a T.V. commercial"


BUT Not long after Zion came into my life the following happened.

"MAJOR anxiety attack yesterday morning (15th November 2018)"

I wandered outside this morning at 5:45 a.m. to check on the weather before my first walk of the day with Zion.

He joined me as he usually does. 

But with no warning Zion did not stay near me as he usually does.

Instead  he took off, faster than the departures of  Anthony Scaramucci from Trumpland and  Dominic Raab from Theresa May's Cabinet.

I didn't see him move.  I heard a whoosh and then he was out of sight. Evidently there was some pest he wanted to chase out of the neighbourhood - maybe a squirrel, or a fox, or a republican.

I grabbed a flashlight and wandered about, whistling and calling his name.  He did not respond.  He was nowhere to be seen.

I did.  My response was a mental dialogue of sheer panic.

"of course he will come back"
"but what if he gets lost?"

"of course he will come back"
"But what if he gets hit by a car?"

"of course he will come back"
"but what if he gets into a fight with a possum?"

"of course he will come back"
" what time does County Animal Control open for business?"

Twenty minutes into my panic attack I got into my car and drove around the neighbourhood headlights on full beam, peering into every car port as I drove.

As I got back to my place there he was, trotting down the street, his nonchalance matching my fear.

When I got out of the car he gave me a warm and enthusiastic
 greeting.  I know what he was thinking.  "Dad, I didn't run away, you deserted me!".

We went into our home.  

I gave him a biscuit.


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