On Lockwood Ridge Rd. Sarasota My friend Donna C was raised as a Presbyterian in the Philadelphia area. She married Jack C, a Presbyterian from Charlotte N.C. After a long and storied Naval Career Jack became an Anglican, and was ordained in the Church of England, serving parishes there and later in Newport R.I. In retirement he was an honorary assistant at St. Boniface Church in Sarasota FL Donna was a cheerful but somewhat uncomfortable Anglican. After Jack's death her heart and mind took her back to the Presbyterian Church, at Northminster Presbyterian Church in Sarasota . After approval by the Session (Vestry/Church Council) she was received into that Church yesterday. I promised to watch the service on You Tube. That's where matters took a funny turn. I was surprised to see a woman Pastor as Northminster's Pastor is a man. "Maybe", I thought, "the Pastor is away". I persisted, waiting for the mo