
Showing posts from August, 2022

Cockles again! Yum time.

Yum time indeed. I see my friends D and A every Wednesday evening for a glass of wine, and good fellowship. I provided the snacks today. Cockles with Crispy Bacon, on Isle de France mini toast.  So good! My friends had never before eaten Cockles.  They were "over the moon" with pleasure  as they savoured them for the first time. You too can impress your family, friends and neighbours at your next get-together,   with Cockles, Bacon, and Mini toasts as appetizers See This:



My Taste in Somewhat Esoteric Sea Food (not always "alive alive oh-oh)

  I am crazy for Mussels.  The best I ever had were in Ancona, Italy, a huge steaming bowl of them.    I once  wrote a poem about my desire to have Mussels as my last meal  before I died.  Now I cannot find it! Of course I love Oysters on the half-shell (but only if someone else has shucked them). Clams too are great, provided someone else has done the hard work. Lobster?   I can take it or leave it.  The best I ever had was at a picnic on a Beach in Maine.  Covered in lobster "juice"  I cleaned myself up in the Ocean.   Then there are these. Cockles, wonderful Cockles.   There was a time when they were freebies as snacks in many English Pubs. We (not often) ate them at home, still in their shells.  We teased the flesh out with a dressmaker's pin.  Cockles  are  a delicacy in parts of Wales.  There they are eaten on Laverbread. In the absence ...

Figgy Lunch

  Broiled:  Parsnips, Belly of pork slices, and Figs. I'll give it a B- or a C+


  I first knew figs as a child and then as a youth at Christmas-tide, when they were a special treat. They were dried and compacted into a wrapper. Gosh, did I like them. There was also syrup of figs, but that's another story. Dried figs are certainly good to eat, as is dry toast. Fresh figs are more like toast dripping with butter. Their season is short so when I see them in the market it's a case of carpe diem, which I did today. They were harvested in California and most likely brought to Florida by overland transportation.  So they were almost riper than ripe. I tasted more than a few, and then shared my 2lb haul with friends to enjoy before they (the figs) turned to mush. I plan to roast the figs over and around some pork loin for my Sunday lunch. I think that black beans will make a good side dish.

Another Fine Breakfast Sandwich.

  Whole grain bread Crunchy and salt free peanut butter Banana If there is peanut butter in a sandwich it cannot be eaten hurriedly.  The peanut butter says  "slow down, slow down".  That's good - every mouthful can be savoured. I hear my father's voice at dinner.  "Don't bolt your food, don't wolf it down". There was a woman in the church in which I grew up who chewed every morsel of food fifteen times before swallowing it. "Fast food" was not in her lexicon. I think that her gut was appreciative.

There is a shortage of what? (and other stuff)

  Zion and I were at the HSSC animal clinic today.  No problems, he needed no more than a canine 'flu shot. We know about the  national shortages:  'Bus drivers, school 'bus drivers, school teachers, etc   but now also of    Veterinary  Doctors and Technicians. In many cases we will have to make non- urgent appointments  well ahead of the due date. P.S. My bill this morning was not extortionate, but it was not cheap. $122, (after being   reduced by $41 because Zion is an HSSC rescue):      for the 'flu shot, tech services, "Bravecto" anti flea and tick meds ( I hope that Bravecto is safe); and prescription  grade canned food. Maybe prospective adopters of stray dogs and cats should be asked "can you afford it?" OTHER STUFF  1.  As I walked at Bayfront Park this morning I passed three young female joggers as they were waiting for their male companion to do what he had to do in the public bathroom. I...

International Breakfast Sandwich this morning (24th Aug)

  Not all will understand. American    Trader Joe's fabulous grainy bread German       Fabulous Bratwurst (also from Trader Joe's) Australian  One side of the bread spread with Vegemite British        One side of the bread spread with Branston Pickle Superbe bouffe

Pork Belly

  Mixed Roast Various vegetables, apple slices, a bit of feta cheese roasted with belly of pork slices.  As I grew up, belly of pork slices were often cooked  by Mum for dinner.  'Twas one of the cheaper cuts of meat.  It's the fat which makes it so scrumptious. With the current  horrendously high cost of meat, belly of pork slices have become on of my cheaper meat choices.

Dinner for Friends of Zion at meLANge

  We disdained the modern custom and did not take any photo's of the food. Darn good stuff.  Two of us had Venison Osso Buco, two had Norwegian Salmon, one had Stuffed Quail, and one had a super-dooper Cheese Burger. Shared "starters" included Rabbit Tacos, Duck Breast Spring Rolls, and Bruschetta. I made identifiers for the cast of characters. ('Twas the first time for Sara and Mark to meet Charlotte and Ron. The fair Sara Sara's bestie.  Great guy Charlotte. To know her is to love her and to be loved by her One hell of a decent bloke. Ashley drew a blank The Ringleader Gratuitous photo' of Zion Feel free to share this with friends, but of your goodness please do not post it to any social media.

Mad Glad

  MAD Primary Election Why am I made. 'Tis because this is a "scare" tactic, designed to encourage  me to vote for the candidates whose names are listed on the back. BUT  Unless the group sponsoring this ad (Sarasota for Local Leadership) has broken the law, it is not possible that "records indicate you have not submitted a ballot" NO SUCH RECORDS EXIST. I can find  no public information about the group "  Sarasota for Local Leadership".   hmmmm? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GLAD I had dinner last night with five friends.  We were at Sarasota's ever wonderful meLANge restaurtant. Some of my guests had not previously met each other.  But they each know Zion.  Here is our group photo' (edited for clarity). Five "posters" read "I love Zion".   One reads  "Zion loves me"

I am Getting Good at This

Lamb and Barley Soup   Firstly  I braised meaty lamb neck bones in Milo with Ginger broth.   3 1/2   hours in a skillet at the lowest possible setting. The meat became fork soft. I set aside the braising fluid in the fridge until I could skim the congealed fat off. Then I added the lamb, some salt and pepper, diced onions, "quick" barley  (the only type I could find), and vegetable stock; cooking it slowly until the barley was soft.   I didn't add spices 'cause the Milo and  Ginger broth  added its own delicious flavour.

The Joy of Wrapping a Parcel

  I mailed a parcel today, all neat and tidy in a shoe box, covered in brown paper.  It's a surprise gift, so you are seeing the underside, not the top with the name and address viewable.   The neat efficiency of this parcel is my response to the utterly excessive and wasteful packaging which Bed, Bath and Beyond used when sending me a bath mat.  The parcel was so big that it almost needed a *  Pantechnicon for transportation. If I had my druthers I'd have created the parcel with string and sealing wax.  That's classic! But I do not have supplies of sealing wax on hand. And I was afeared lest the the string become snagged in the USPS automatic sorting machines. *  Pantechnicon?    I love using archaic words such as "pantechnicon" and "afeared". 

A Fixed Gaze

  Retirement, and the fact that I am an early riser means that I can shop at my local supermarket soon after it opens.  (The store is not busy and the parking lot has lots of spaces). Zion loves to ride with me in the car.   Or is it that I like to have him with me everywhere! At that early hour I park so that Z can see me as I walk into the market. On Tuesday last when I got back to the car a guy in a truck  (waiting for his wife who was in the store)  said  "Your dog is bloody marvelous.  Whatever else was happening in the parking lot he did not deviate from looking at the doors through which you had entered." Yes oh yes.                 A bible verse says "Thou God seest me"                                   I say "Thou Dog seest me!"                       ...


  GWEN SEARS OBITUARY The Reverend Phyllis Gwendolyn Irene Watson Sears, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, faithful friend, mentor, counselor, spiritual guide, and joyful servant of God departed this world on Friday, August 12, 2022 at 2:02 am, at the age of 94. Gwen was born January 9, 1928 in Rhinebeck, NY to Clarance and Helen (Nairn) Watson. The family later settled in Dalton, MA, where Gwen attended high school, graduating in 1945. She attended Virginia Intermont College in Bristol, VA, focusing on Cultural Studies. In her youth, she excelled in equestrian arts, tennis and basketball. She married the love of her life, Noel, in 1948, and they made their home on Kirchner Road in Dalton, MA, in an old farmhouse affectionately known to the family as "Mayhem Manor". Gwen was a dedicated member of St. Stephen's Episcopal Parish in Pittsfield, MA, since 1952, serving as Director of Christian Education, among other roles as a layperson. After her ordination as Deacon i...

Mangia Mangia

  From eastern Europe  (the Czech Republic/Poland) Chicken Schnitzel at Bohemian Delicious, S. Cattlemen Rd, Sarasota.     Tender and juicy chicken.  Wonderfully crisp batter. From the U.K. and J. Michael Povey's kitchen. Lamb chop and mixed vegetables, braised in creamy poppy seed salad dressing.  

FOR SARASOTA AREA FRIENDS This Is an Unsolicited Recommendation/Advertisement

  Bohemian Delicious specializes in homemade Czech dishes, bakery,  and deli using traditional Czech recipes. We also offer a selection of imported Czech and Polish products. -------------------------------------------------------------- My friends Donna and Ashley and I had lunch there today. The menu is limited but very good. It changes from day to day. We were well pleased!  I had Chicken Schnitzel with superb Potato Salad.  The Schnitzel had beautifully moist chicken with a crispy batter, Bohemian Delicious is on the east side of S. Cattlemen a tad south of Palmer Blvd. There are extensive County? road works so the business is suffering.  Such a pity. BD also sells a  wide range of Czech /Polish canned or bottled Borscht and other soups, pickles, beets etc.  Best of all for sweet tooths there are utterly delicious home made pastries. It's not the place for a first date. But I highly recommend it for a lovely lunch with your besties. Oral trans...

Hey Dan Lobeck For Goodness Sake Respect the Intelligence of Sarasota City Voters.

 Dan Lobeck is a candidate in the primary election to select City Commissioners.  He has a distinct lack of respect for the voters' intelligence. There is no firm plan to tear down the Van Wezel Performing Arts Centre.  The question is moot. Sarasota is not a high crime City.  We have a more than adequate Police Department. Mr. Lobeck does not address the reasons for homelessness. He fails to acknowledge that homelessness is a County, State, National and International issue. The City has abundant parking places and garages (except perhaps for on Siesta Key -  most of which is in the County and not the City). He speaks of improving neighbourhoods, but does not specify which need improving, and what improvements are necessary. When I moved to Sarasota in 2006 downtown was on the skids. Since then (thanks mostly to an increase in the downtown population) it has become a vibrant area.  I do not see a "carnival like" night life.  (Besides which, carniv...

When a Beloved Friend Dies (Gwen of course)

  Some say   "She/he is in a better place". True maybe, but I am not ready to hear that. Some say "She/he lived a long life and it was his/her time". True maybe, but I am not ready to hear that. The blessed ones visit or call and say "let's weep together". Oh balm to my soul! ------------------------------------------------------ From a 20th Century Hymn                " I will weep when you are weeping. When you laugh I'll laugh with you I will share your joy and sorrow 'Til we've seen this journey through". Oh yes, yes, yes! ------------------------------------------------------------- Sing along here:

St. Columba of Iona

  Our dear Gwen Sears found a spiritual home on the Holy Island of Iona.     She was there as often as possible.   Her heart was always there. Some of her mortal remains will be scattered there. Gwen's daughter sent me this powerful prayer by St. Columba.

AU REVOIR: Friend. Mentor. Beloved Colleague. A woman deeply loved by so very many.

  My most dear friend the Revd. Gwen W Sears passed from this life earlier today at aged 94. We were colleagues at St. Stephen's, Pittsfield MA from 1984 - 2000, but we'd known each other since 1975. Some may remember that I was able to visit with her in Lenox, MA earlier this year.   We drank tea, ate biscuits, and enjoyed each other. Very many people who read this will shed some tears; but will, with joy have blessed memories of dear Gwen.  She shed such love and light everywhere.   To know Gwen was to experience an embodiment of the love of God.  Imagine this:  being hugged by God! I've shed tears with her daughter Nancy by phone.  Please thank God that Gwen enabled me to be a better person, and a better Priest.  If you are thinking of condolences to me, just know that my grief is mitigated by the sheer joy of having had her as a companion and friend. Gwen's funeral is likely to be in September.  Just as soon as her obituary...

We Older People Often Live in the Land Of Memories.

  My taste memory alerted me to Tapioca Pudding.  It was often served as a dessert with our school lunches -  we hated it and called it Frog Spawn. When we ate it at home we mixed in a bit of jam to give it some flavour. I wanted to try it again but the boxes of granules are hard to find. By chance  I located some at Sarasota's Morton's Gourmet Foods,  (at a gourmet cost). I followed the recipe and made some using coconut milk, with a bit of vanilla essence and some brown sugar.  I added milk chocolate M and M's just for fun. It's still thicker than all get out and will have to be thinned out a bit when I heat it.  (Or perhaps I could slice and toast it!). Thinking of food memories I bet that there is not one of us who can remember being weaned onto solid foods. When my twin and I were weaned (1945) there were no convenient jars of baby food. I suspect that we were given well mashed potatoes and peas with a bit of gravy, or maybe some well ground cook...

Bristol Single Decker

  I grew up on Devon Road in the Whitehall district of east Bristol.  Our home was one of a terrace of five, right next to the bridge over the former LMS/Midland Region line from Birmingham to Bristol. Devon Road was on a 'bus route which made me think that it was  important.   It was the number 83 bus. The 83 had more of a peregrination than a route.  It began on Carey's Lane  (now gone) near Old Market. The journey went through Old Market, St. Phillips, Lawrence Hill, Redfield. Whitehall, Greenbank/Lower Easton, and Eastville. It took the whole length of Muller Rd from Fishponds Rd. to Gloucester Rd. passing Purdown and entering into Horfield.   From Gloucester Rd there was a quick run through to Kellaway Ave (Horfield Common), through a bit of Redland, and then to Durham Down and Clifton Down. At one time it was made a circular route with journeys going from Clifton Down back to Old Market; with buses traveling clockwise and anti-clo...

Zion, that Handsome Dude

  He'd done his best to lick the inside of an empty bag of chips/crisps.

Packaging Rant # 2

  My sensitive new bath mat had to be surrounded with what must be 10' of large bubble wrap. Just the thing for a little boy to run up and down on, and to hear the loud pops. I was that little boy! P.S. I have  let Bed, Bath and Beyond know what I think about their disgracefully wasteful packaging.


  All this packaging for a bath mat from Bed, Bath and Beyond.   Too much cardboard.  Too much plastic. Have the shippers never heard of brown paper and tape parcels?

Yum 2! Toasted Focaccia Bread Well Supplied with Butter and Cherry Jam

  And yes, the bread is very well toasted by design. Crunch , crunch, crunch . Fie on diner/cafe toast, made from Wonder Bread and emerging like floppy warmed bread; and  the jelly from those wee plastic containers has but the slightest resemblance to good jam or preserves.

Bread and Bridies

  French  type (l)   Focaccia (r).   Picture a slice.  Well toasted, slathered in butter and with good jam or preserves,  (or for French Toast). From Mama G's on the Tamiami Trail, at the back side of the SRQ Airport.  Next to Captain Brian's Seafood Restaurant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classic Scottish specialty.  Bought at                                                                                                   on 17th Street   in Sarasota.

Dustin *but not Hoffman,

  Tell the truth and shame the devil. When you dust shelves do you clear them, or do you simply dust around the nick-nacks? Or like me, do you simply wave a faux feather duster in the direction of the dust? By the way.  The photo's on the top shelf are of my Dad and Mum. 

Food For A Collation - made by me, but thanks goes to the recipes

     Roasted potato and grape tomato salad, with barbecue sauce and mayo etc. Black Bean Salad With Scallions and Charred Tomatoes (Makes 4 servings) 1 pint grape or cherry tomatoes 2 15½-ounce cans black beans, rinsed and drained Kosher salt and ground black pepper 1 bunch scallions, thinly sliced ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil ¼ cup lime juice 1 cup lightly packed fresh cilantro OR flat-leaf parsley (I went with parsley, because cilantro = ) 2 ounces queso fresco or feta cheese, crumbled (½ cup) (I used feta because it’s what was on hand) Warm a 12-inch skillet over high heat for 2 minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook, occasionally shaking the pan, until the skins split and char; transfer to a small bowl and set aside. In a large, microwave-safe bowl, toss the beans with ½ teaspoon salt. Cover and microwave on high until hot, 1½ to 2 minutes. Immediately add the tomatoes, scallions, oil, and lime juice; toss, then season with salt and pepper. Cool to room temperature, stirr...