AU REVOIR: Friend. Mentor. Beloved Colleague. A woman deeply loved by so very many.

 My most dear friend the Revd. Gwen W Sears passed from this life earlier today at aged 94.

We were colleagues at St. Stephen's, Pittsfield MA from 1984 - 2000, but we'd known each other since 1975.

Some may remember that I was able to visit with her in Lenox, MA earlier this year.   We drank tea, ate biscuits, and enjoyed each other.

Very many people who read this will shed some tears; but will, with joy have blessed memories of dear Gwen.  She shed such love and light everywhere.   To know Gwen was to experience an embodiment of the love of God.  Imagine this:  being hugged by God!

I've shed tears with her daughter Nancy by phone. 

Please thank God that Gwen enabled me to be a better person, and a better Priest.  If you are thinking of condolences to me, just know that my grief is mitigated by the sheer joy of having had her as a companion and friend.

Gwen's funeral is likely to be in September.  Just as soon as her obituary is published I will place it here on Facebook.  Obits usually include a place where you can send your memories and condolences to family members.


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