There is a shortage of what? (and other stuff)


Zion and I were at the HSSC animal clinic today.  No problems, he needed no more than a canine 'flu shot.

We know about the  national shortages:  'Bus drivers, school 'bus drivers, school teachers, etc   but now also of  Veterinary Doctors and Technicians. In many cases we will have to make non-urgent appointments well ahead of the due date.

P.S. My bill this morning was not extortionate, but it was not cheap. $122, (after being reduced by $41 because Zion is an HSSC rescue):   for the 'flu shot, tech services, "Bravecto" anti flea and tick meds (I hope that Bravecto is safe); and prescription grade canned food.

Maybe prospective adopters of stray dogs and cats should be asked "can you afford it?"


As I walked at Bayfront Park this morning I passed three young female joggers as they were waiting for their male companion to do what he had to do in the public bathroom.

I saw and heard one of the young women. She punctured her words with emphatic pointing.

She said "the problem with her is that she wants to do everything the way  she wants to do it"

I put a zip on my lips.  I wanted to say "isn't what we all want"


                                      OTHER STUFF  2. 

Back in the car and on my way home I noted that my car's cabin seemed to be unusually bright.  I checked the inner light but it was not on.

Maybe the brightness was caused by the headlights of a following car.  I turned on to Orange Ave.  There were no cars behind me but the bright light persisted.

My mind turned on.  I realized that the brightness came from the head light I wear on dark mornings. It's an essential aid when picking up dog-doodo.

DUH   I had forgotten to turn it off when I began to drive home.


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