The Joy of Wrapping a Parcel


I mailed a parcel today, all neat and tidy in a shoe box, covered in brown paper.  It's a surprise gift, so you are seeing the underside, not the top with the name and address viewable.  

The neat efficiency of this parcel is my response to the utterly excessive and wasteful packaging which Bed, Bath and Beyond used when sending me a bath mat.  The parcel was so big that it almost needed a Pantechnicon for transportation.

If I had my druthers I'd have created the parcel with string and sealing wax.  That's classic!

But I do not have supplies of sealing wax on hand. And I was afeared lest the the string become snagged in the USPS automatic sorting machines.


  I love using archaic words such as "pantechnicon" and "afeared". 


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