We Older People Often Live in the Land Of Memories.

 My taste memory alerted me to Tapioca Pudding.  It was often served as a dessert with our school lunches -  we hated it and called it Frog Spawn.

When we ate it at home we mixed in a bit of jam to give it some flavour.

I wanted to try it again but the boxes of granules are hard to find. By chance  I located some at Sarasota's Morton's Gourmet Foods,  (at a gourmet cost).

I followed the recipe and made some using coconut milk, with a bit of vanilla essence and some brown sugar.  I added milk chocolate M and M's just for fun.

It's still thicker than all get out and will have to be thinned out a bit when I heat it.  (Or perhaps I could slice and toast it!).

Thinking of food memories I bet that there is not one of us who can remember being weaned onto solid foods. When my twin and I were weaned (1945) there were no convenient jars of baby food. I suspect that we were given well mashed potatoes and peas with a bit of gravy, or maybe some well ground cooked meat.

I can't remember being hungry, but oh gosh, at 6 and 7 I was still a skinny little runt!

War time food rationing was still in effect  (and remained so until the early to mid 1950's) so the choices of comestibles were limited.  Even sweets (candies) were rationed.

I know that there were these weaning baby foods; not from my memory but from observing (and helping to feed)  my five younger siblings.

They were served with warm milk, and could also be used as teething biscuits.  

Speaking of baby food, in those days  there was no such thing as tinned/canned pet food, or extruded kibble for our pets.

They ate leftovers!  Potatoes, veggies, gristly meat etc. all mashed up with gravy.  I know that our cat "Tiger" sometimes went hungry. He moved up the street to live with another family. They probably had better leftovers.


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