
Showing posts from March, 2025

Six Words Which Cause Terror

  Your call is important to us.. ........      (So please stay on the line). So important (?),  that stay on the line I did for thirty-one minutes yesterday afternoon when I 'phoned to make an appointment with my Orthopedist. Thirty-one minutes of listening to the same loop over and over until my call was answered. There was no point in handing up and re-dialing; that would have done no more than to restart the process. KWOC  You should do better than this. Please remember that the prior importance is to the patient.

He Brings Me Such Joy Every Day


When dreams come true

  SHROVE TUESDAY  2025   CREPE WITH BANANA AT MADEMOISELLES PARIS RESTAURANT A treat.  Breakfast with Donna and Ashley. The best part was our server CoCo.   Born in France and now a resident of the U.S.A,  she knows how to be friendly and helpful without being overbearing. Michael -Show-Off -Povey greeted her in French and ordered his meal in that language. My French language skills are at the level of Winnie the Pooh whilst Coco's are at the level of War and Peace.   Nonetheless she was tickled pink that I tried. Donna, Ashley and I had a lovely time -  thanks to good food and to Mme. CoCo

Standing with Ukraine - going farther than posting a meme. My conscience pricked me.

  There have been a host of memes on my Facebook feed; memes which announce :  "I Stand With Ukraine". All well, good, and important, but talk can be cheap.   (I know that. I've been talking all my life, including some cheap talk from the pulpit!)  With that in mind I decided to put my money where my mouth is by making a charitable gift in support of the Ukranian people. My favourite charities (Episcopal Relief and Development;  and World Vision, do not minister in Europe.  Therefore, I chose to make a gift to World Central Kitchen. WCK ( ** for obvious reasons) does not allow donors to specify particular countries.   But they are on the ground in Ukraine where my money in the big pot will support their overall work. -------------------------------------------------------------------- **  Specific destinations would imbalance any worldwide feeding charity if well meaning people offered gifts for the cause du jour.

Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day

  One of the great treats of my younger life was when on Shrove Tuesday my mother made Pancakes.  We (deeply Protestant) knew little about being SHRIVEN (given Priestly  absolution) before Lent. We would have scorned the very idea of dietary obligations in Lent. We didn't understand the custom of using up eggs and milk etc. by making pancakes. In truth they were not "American" Pancakes.  They were CREPES, a far superior comestible (Vive la France) An annual treat! I'd planned to make my own Crepes tomorrow (yes, I know that you prepare them in advance.) My own Crepes can wait awhile. Instead I'll be with my friends Donna and Ashley for a late breakfast at "Mademoiselle Paris" at the local Mall. .CREPE, PANCAKE OR WAFFLE BREAKFAST $6.85 $15.65 BUTTER & SUGAR CREPE, PANCAKE OR WAFFLE, 2 EGGS ANY STYLE, BACON & 1 SIDE OF FRUITS  I'll choose a butter and sugar Crepe, just like at home! Thanks Mum!


  Instead say:   "I am proud to be an American who knows that the Rump Administration's policies are evil, wrong, and dangerous."

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus
