LEEKS AGAIN Cooked with Sweet Potatoes, T'J's German Brats, and Cape Gooseberries. The Gooseberries are Tartt; they add a "zing" Cape Gooseberries (aka “Golden Berries”) are the very definition of superfruit. Their size and shape make one think first of cherry tomatoes. Their orange-golden color suggests some relation to persimmons or citrus. And then there are the dried green leaves that enclose each Gooseberry, like a tomatillo—or a superhero’s cape, fittingly enough. So what exactly is a Cape Gooseberry?! Ours are grown in South America, from whence Gooseberries are native, and where they’ve been grown since the days of the Incan empire. Slice into one and you’ll find moist seeds suspended like the inside a tomato or tomatillo—though more plentiful. (Incidentally, these Berries arrive in our stores with the tomatillo-like leaves removed.) Take a taste and you’ll discover they’re juicy and quite tart, reminiscent of sour candy, but still including hints of sweet,...