
Showing posts from March, 2024

Easter Grub and a request

  Easter Basket contents from my friend Muriel.  Great!  Took me back seventy years.  I was a child again! Some take home leftovers from an Easter Dinner with Donna and Ashley.  Lamb, Asparagus, Stuffed Mushrooms, Hasselback Potatoes  Not pictured: Peas, Carrots, Ambrosia Salad, Mint Sauce; and Apple Pie or Lemon Meringue pie for dessert, Such a resurrection feast!  Sisters and brothers at the feasting table.   Think of the resurrection appearances which were foodie centred.   Fish by Galilee; a Meal after the Emmaus Road walk &c My request.  What is the cash value of such a meal; and the table fellowship? 1) Give me your estimate and I'll take the average to make a gift for Gaza Food relief. 2) Give me your advice as to the best channel for such a gift.

Christus Resurrexit


Close Encounters of the Tender Kind: (1) A Dog. (2) Holi and a charming encounter with a Hindu.

  I was in the chair at my Barber shop last Thursday.  A new customer arrived and sat opposite me.  I knew that I knew him.  I knew that he was a new resident in our community.  I could not remember his name. So I asked, are you Ruby's "father"?                                                                                 Ruby He was!  That's the canine recognition internal app.  We know the name of a dog long before knowing her/his owner's name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was in a local store today; one owned by (Asian) Indians.  It was clear to me that the salesclerk was a Hindu, his brow was marked.  I muttered something about HOLI.  He thought that I was referring to the...


  It was probably in 1949 when, at my grandmother's home my two older sisters and my twin sister were teasing me. I cried out "I wish, I wish, I wish I had a brother" Between 1950 and 1954 my wishes were granted in abundance. Along came Andrew, David, Stephen (now deceased) and Martyn. Martyn's 70th birthday is today (March 28th).  He is a good man. Here he is on his birthday, with his beloved Nala.  Martyn and I have been a bit competitive as to whether Zion or Nala were the top dogs! That aside I am grateful for two gifts from Martyn to me. 'Twas Martyn who sold me on the idea of an Air Fryer.  I'd previously resisted with the thought that I rarely fry food.  Once I realised that in truth the device is an air induction cooker I was sold.  It is my "go-to" cooker. Three years ago I took a tumble at the Railway Station in Nottingham, U.K.  I bled a lot. A few days later we had a family dinner back in Bristol. I arrived at the restaurant a bit early. ...

For those who believe that all my food is colourless

  Komotos with mayo Beets  (those who peel beets are often caught red handed!) Roasted potatoes  ( thank you my Air Fryer) Baked Beans    (not the American type with molasses etc., but the Anglo/Irish type with tomato sauce. There are two main brands -  Heinz  - an international conglomerate;  and Bachelor's - an Irish company.  I prefer the Bachelor's Brand - as seen in the photo'.

We worry about him/her - a lonesome Sandhill Crane

He has kept a lonely watch on this corner in our community for about eight days.  We ( the residents at Glen Oaks Ridge in Sarasota) think/hope that he has purpose Why? If he'd lost his spouse he would be uttering calls of misery. In the past I've heard those calls. Our best and fervent hope is that the female is nesting nearby, leaving him to keep a sacred watch. We so much wish this to be the case.

Family Meeting? At the World's Attic (a Mennonite Charity Store) on North Beneva Rd.

  My Kia Forte 117 AHR, next to a Toyota Camry 127 AHR About six years ago I was a guest at an 80th birthday party at the hoity-toity Field Club here in Sarasota.  The car which was parked two spaces away from me had a 118 AHR plate. Keep it in the family! The Apple on the tag/plate indicates that some of the fee goes to support educational programmes.  I say that the AHR letters indicate a Pirate Car. Aargh!

Tats - my dreamy wish (more nonsense!)

  Soon after I retired to Sarasota in 2006 I had an ear pierced and a earring inserted.  It was a symbol of my newly found freedoms.  I was an adolescent again.  That earing has long since gone. All these years later I wonder if should resurrect my youth by getting some tats. I dreamed about this last Friday morning. In my dream I was at a tattoo parlour.  My requests were simple. I asked the tattooist to create symbols on my head, neck, torso and groin so that in the event that I was rushed to the hospital with some serious condition, the attending surgeon would know exactly where to make her/his incisions. Oh how wild!

Nonsense: "Plump and Chubby"

  This young man B. (who shall be otherwise nameless) is now a twenty five-ish employee of a major mutual insurance company. He was a chatterbox child. One day I was at his home in Mass. He and I were nattering wildly. Out of the blue he said " * Father Michael you are really quite plump and chubby" His mother D. was mortified.  I was greatly amused   (he was right!) Many years later his Mum, Dad, sister and I met for dinner at a restaurant in Punta Gorda, FL I made myself a name tag.  It read "Fr. Plump and Chubby".  I said nothing.  As we sat at table his dad (my friend J.) saw the name tag and pointed it out to B, now a young man.  He split his sides with laughter! The story will not die! * Turns out that ( back then) B. and his Mum had been in a Mall.  B. opined that another shopper was fat.  Mum responded, "B don't say "Fat ".   "Plump or Chubby are O.K. words.

If You Visit Me In Sarasota, FL

You'll want to go to the Beaches, or (in season) to the Orchestra, the Opera, the Ballet, or the Theatres.  We are splendid cultural hub.  All well and very good.   However (and this will not surprise my regular readers) I will insist on taking you to one of my hot-spots:  "Mama G's German Bakery". That was the case this morning.  My Pittsfield friends Scott and Jen have been in the area for two weeks. It's been so good to see them. They happily accepted my offer to have a late breakfast with them at Mama G's before they drove to TPA for their flight home. Here they are with the wonderful Mama G herself. JOY

I Need Help!

  I took out a pair of clean socks from my clothing closet t his morning.   Then I could not find them. It was only when I got to Trader Joe's that I found them; inside the left-hand pocket of my walking shorts. Gosh darn it!  

For My Cousin Janet who Despises Cauliflower; and For Those Who (rightly) Assert that I Favour Bland Coloured Comestibles

  Fried leftover spuds from a St. Patrick's Day feast, sliced and fried. Trader Joe's German Brats (darned good). Two eggs. A bit of Trader Joe's Ketchup (which tastes like tomatoes!) A bit of colour.  A good flavour.    O.K Janet?  !!!

When the Time is Right

  A card which arrived in the mail today. Inside I read.. A LOVE LIKE HIS CAN NEVER BE FORGOTTEN Dear Michael Zion was an amazing dog- one for the ages to be sure - his loss was/is  BIG - his kindness, gentleness and acceptance of all - his sudden death.. caused a breach that his memory and the memory of all who met him here can soften. I searched High and low and everywhere between for a card I thought worthy of Zion.    I am sad that I won't see him - (as) I look forward to a visit with you in April. Blessings, Claire and Bob. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Oh so timely.  Reminding me that my memories of Zion are not a fantasy. The card came from Claire and Bob Thompson of Beverly MA.  Thank you my dears!   Bob's brother / Claire's brother-in-law is Ron who is the dear husband of Charlotte.  Ron and Charlotte Thompson  are the first new friends I made when I moved to Sarasota in 2006. (Thank you Judy ...

About The Trout

  The other day a friend sent me a piece of music by  Johann Nepomuk Hummel, his Septet in D Minor Op 74  (look it up if you will) I enjoyed it, in particular because the piano parts reminded me of Schubert's Trout Quintet. (look it up if you will). The memory took me nearly seventy years back when I was a pupil at Eastville Junior Mixed School in Bristol U.K.  There we were blessed with a wonderful teacher and choir leader, one Mr. Sydney Richards. There he led us (with his wife as a super pianist) to learn not the Quintet, but a vocal (lieder?) version (also I believe by Schubert). Oh so heady for a ten-year-old jmp!  Oh so wonderful to be singing Schubert at such a young age.    I cannot hear either the Quintet itself or the vocal version without   seeing Mrs. Richard's fingers as they raced across the keyboard. Here are two versions.  One in German, another in English

Lunch with Jen (and Scott)

  I've known Jen since approx. 1984 She was then a student at Wahconah Regional High School in Dalton  MA, and a parishioner at St. Stephen's Parish, Pittsfield MA I followed her progress at College (Colgate?); her career, and her marriage to Scott; and their two children. I am in touch with her parents (Jack and Pat); and her sibs. Oh how I treasure these holy connections! Scott and Jen are in the area, enjoying a break on Longboat Key, FL. Carpe Diem! Jen, Scott and I had a good lunch together today at the Columbia Restaurant on St. Armands Key. Good food.    Even better table fellowship. The Christian Gospel  is all about Holy Connections!

At Bayfront Park in Sarasota Early This Morning, March 14th 2024

  Children's  Park Looking Towards the Ringling Bridge The Marina and Rte. 41

Not a Sign, But a Tender Reminder

  Heart shaped ketchup on my breakfast potato cake yesterday I pulled out a sofa to dry mop underneath. This heart shaped treat  (one of Zion's favourites)  emerged! No mystical signs of course.  But tender reminders of our mutual love. I miss him so much.  So would you!

When the City Become a Village

12th March 2024   5:30 p.m.    At one of my local supermarkets.  I parked my car and sauntered towards the market.  A car drew in behind me and the owner beeped the horn.  "Oh no, what have I done now?" No fear, it was my old friends and new neighbours Ron and Char.  They have recently moved into Glen Oaks Ridge. We reached the crossing and there was another neighbour Cheney, with a cart full of purchases. Introductions all around.  Over the crossing came Bob, a friend from Church.  His first words were "how is your dog?"  I walked him across the street and revisited January 26th.   It was alright. I am grieving still, but not sobbing. Inside the store who did I see but my neighbour Barbara? Five minutes earlier or later none of this would have happened.   Lovely degrees of separation when the city became a village. And they each adored Mr. Z!


  \ With Cold Cuts, or on a slice of Cheese, or as a flavour enhancer in a Casserole

Misty Beauty

  Bayfront Park Sarasota Friday March 8th Such a heavy and beautiful mist. A Yacht in the mooring fields provides a temporary place of respite for a "Murder of Crows"

Daylight Savings Time

  Just got a head start by setting my chiming clocks forward. (Old Picture)  A true Chiming Clock which I've owned for about forty years.  Easy to set forward. Pseudo Chiming Clock, a battery powered Bulova. (Again an old picture). Thank goodness I saved the instructions.  But even with them, it took me half an hour to set it forward. I keep my watch on the old time until Sunday morning. Oh for the day when this nonsense is abolished! P.S.  it will be two or three weeks before that U.K. and Ireland go to their Daylight Savings time

Breakfast March 8th

  Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwich via my George Forman electric grill. Tuscan peasant bread (yum); plus Trader Joe's English Cheddar Cheese suffused with caramelized onion.  Double Yums!    Great cheese for cooking.

My Inner Light Shone on Monday Morning, March 4th Oh What a Release

                                                          Morning light at  Bayfront Park, SRQ  March 6th But oh the inner light on Monday 4th.  I had been fretting about my over-the-top grief for Zion.  But it was not only about Zion, a.k.a. Mr Z. It was about other deaths in the space of a year. ......The death of my beloved friend and mentor the Revd. Gwen W. Sears. ...  my twin sister Elizabeth. ... my older sister Jean. ...  Joan Morrow, a sister in Christ at St. Stephen's Parish, Pittsfield MA who rendered to me gracious and wise pastoral care. ...  Kay D and Barbara D, parishioners in Pittsfield; and friends of mine when they moved just up the street to Bradenton, FL  ...  Ben Matlock a friend and colleague in Massachusetts for oh so many years. So much sadness. What do I expect at my age? Oh ...

And Now There Are Two

Some three or more week ago I replaced a Clock Key which had gone AWOL I found the missing key today. 'Twas under the table runner.


 Please take thirty or so minutes to feed your soul (Memories from the Alhambra)  Ana Vidovic plays Recuerdos de la Alhambra by Francisco Tárrega  Played yesterday  morning on WSMR our local classical music station  Goosebumps! --------------------------------------------------------------------------     Victoria de Los Angeles (1923-2005) - Spanish Catalan operatic soprano Canteloube - Chants d'Auvergne - Baïlèro I learned to love this as a young man, it was played from time to time on a BBC Classical Music Station ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alicia de la Rocha   Chopin Nocturne Op 9 No 2.

Beauty at Arlington Park (Sarasota) in March

  With balmy temperatures and a gentle breeze.                        Sparkling fountain; two sunbathing Turtles                      The Ibises fly in, look at me, and then fly out.                    Now only one Ibises, but three Turtles

Canine Memories PENNE/ZION

  It was in 2009 that I adopted Penne. She stayed with me until 2017.  She had a lot of spirit, but was not fond of other dogs.  ** She adored my friend Charlotte Thompson. **But  I used to tell Zion "Penne would have liked you" I wept bitterly for three whole days when she died. ============================================= Zion joined my household in 2018.   He spread joy to one and all. We were together for only six years.  It's just eight weeks since his death. I miss him so much. My tears cannot be assuaged .  I was crippled with grief all day yesterday. This too shall pass - but my grief will take its own sweet time,  even as my tear ducts are flooded 

National Plants in the U.K. and Ireland

  Scotland -  the Thistle Ireland  - the Shamrock England  the Rose  (Remember the war of the Roses?) Wales   Not the Daffodil The Welsh plant is the Leek Of course it's hard to wear a Leek, so the Daffodil has become the more wearable plant - this one for a wedding corsage. My take on Leeks is that they are a splendid comestible (one of my favorite words!) Therefore I ate leeks today, my tribute to Wales on St. David's Day. Roasted Leeks with utterly non-traditional Meat Balls (I didn't have time to get the more traditional Lamb), and a homemade sauce of dubious provenance.