When the City Become a Village

12th March 2024   5:30 p.m.  At one of my local supermarkets. 

I parked my car and sauntered towards the market.  A car drew in behind me and the owner beeped the horn.  "Oh no, what have I done now?"

No fear, it was my old friends and new neighbours Ron and Char.  They have recently moved into Glen Oaks Ridge.

We reached the crossing and there was another neighbour Cheney, with a cart full of purchases. Introductions all around. 

Over the crossing came Bob, a friend from Church.  His first words were "how is your dog?"  I walked him across the street and revisited January 26th.   It was alright. I am grieving still, but not sobbing.

Inside the store who did I see but my neighbour Barbara?

Five minutes earlier or later none of this would have happened.  

Lovely degrees of separation when the city became a village.

And they each adored Mr. Z!


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