Nonsense: "Plump and Chubby"
This young man B. (who shall be otherwise nameless) is now a twenty five-ish employee of a major mutual insurance company.
He was a chatterbox child. One day I was at his home in Mass. He and I were nattering wildly. Out of the blue he said "*Father Michael you are really quite plump and chubby"
His mother D. was mortified. I was greatly amused (he was right!)
Many years later his Mum, Dad, sister and I met for dinner at a restaurant in Punta Gorda, FL
I made myself a name tag. It read "Fr. Plump and Chubby". I said nothing. As we sat at table his dad (my friend J.) saw the name tag and pointed it out to B, now a young man. He split his sides with laughter!
The story will not die!
* Turns out that (back then) B. and his Mum had been in a Mall. B. opined that another shopper was fat. Mum responded, "B don't say "Fat ". "Plump or Chubby are O.K. words.
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