
Showing posts from April, 2022

She Said That I Would Have Good Luck

  At my local Publix Supermarket today I overheard a woman of apparent south east Asian origin as she asked a store clerk where she might find KIMCHI.  He hadn't a clue. The woman mispronounced "Kimchi", but even if she had not done so the clerk would most likely have had no idea where to find it. I spoke up and spelled out the word. The clerk used his hand held device and said  "it's in Aisle Four". As they trotted off the woman turned to me and said "you will have good luck today because of your kindness". Since I am immersing myself (a day late and a dollar short) in the novels of Amy Tan I knew exactly why she'd said this.  So much Chinese and Vietnamese culture is rooted in notions of good and bad luck. When I visited Vietnam it was at the time of the Tet New Year.  I saw so many Vespa/Lambretta type Scooters, and Motor Bikes overladen with people and with cartons of Coca Cola . My guide explained that Red is considered to be a lucky colou...

Of Course I am Crazy About Zion.

  Here is is yesterday, resting by my side. I had tears in my eyes for his sheer beauty. And here he is when Susan B's Schnauzer Puppy was jumping all over him at Bayfront Park. Z loved every minute.  I think that he wants his own Puppy.

Coming Soon to Le Bistro Pove in Sarasota. GOAT CURRY!

  One of the blessings in being the Rector at St. James's Episcopal Church in Cambridge MA was the life and witness of many parishioners from the Caribbean Islands. They were essential to our spiritual well being. And our physical well being too!  When we had a parish dinner some of them could be counted on to bring GOAT CURRY. That's where I learned to love it. So much so that for my 65th birthday party at home in Bristol, U.K. I was fortunate enough to engage a fine chef who made Goat Curry.  ( There was vegetarian Lasagna too). Curry is more popular than Fish and Chips these days in the U.K., so I knew that my birthday meal would be a winner. It was only after the guests had enjoyed their Curry  that I told them they'd eaten Goat meat.  (If they'd known it was Goat before they'd eaten it there would have been a certain eeew factor!). I've been hunting around to find a purveyor of Goat meat in this area.  I found it at "The Meat  House of S...

Yom Ha'Shoah 2022

                                 We Must Never Forget                        Yet Still We Have Not Learned.

LEFTOVER MAVEN ( and Food Made From Scratch).

  Leftover Maven I hate to waste food.  Leftover Cauliflower, Bacon and Portobello Mushrooms simmered gently in a skillet, with Canola Oil. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The joy of making from scratch:  Cutting, Chopping, Mixing, etc. More satisfying than simply purchasing. Of course as a single and retired person I have more discretionary time than many a 60 hour a week worker; or than a two parent/two children family. Gazpacho.  Labour intensive, but well worth the effort. Guacamole: Deliciously home crafted.

Brie and Plastic Sandwich

  My friend Betsy H recently posted a photo' of a culinary disaster.  She'd baked some muffins in what she thought was a silicone pan.  Oh dear, 'twas plastic. Misery loves company.  I turned on my Counter Top oven today, all ready to cook lunch. Uh Oh.  I'd forgotten that I had put some Brie Cheese on a plastic plate into the cold oven, to let the Brie breath. I've joined the Betsy H Club! No breath in this Brie!

Bistro le Pove today

  Roasted Cauliflower, Baked Flounder, Peas and Corn.  NOT BAD!

Behold an Englishman in Whom There is No Guile

  My brother in law Bernard.   Today is his 92nd birthday. Our whole family life was deeply enriched when he married Maureen my oldest sister.

You Won't Find Jesus at this Church


ST. GEORGE: Venerated by Muslims and Christians

  In Lod/Lydda   The Church of St. George, and a Mosque cheek by jowl.  Both faiths venerate George  -  but with different legends. St. George is the Patron Saint of England.   Sadly his Flag has been hi-jacked by English White Supremacists, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- William Shakespeare's   birthday is alleged to be on April 23rd,  I suspect that's a convenient myth,

YESTERDAY Persimmon. TODAY Rhubarb.

P ersimmon April 14 R hubarb April 15 I must soon search for Q uinces to complete the alphabetical scheme. Today I bought Rhubarb at Detwiler's Farm Market.  YES!  'Tis the only Sarasota Market where I've been able to find it. They were (trimmed) skinny stalks.  Good news, the skinny stalks indicate that they are new growth.  The plumper stalks are more tough. I peel Rhubarb as best I can, otherwise it's a bit stringy when cooked. What do you do with  Rhubarb? In my case I made a Cobbler I was a bit short on Rhubarb, so I added some (canned) Pears. Ladies and Gentlemen.  All Hail the Rhubarb/Pear Cobbler!

Yes, Yes IRS

  2021 Tax Return submitted Friday 15th April 2022 2021 Tax Refund received    Friday 22nd April 2022

Dried Persimmons. So good!

No, these are not doughnuts. They are dried persimmons. Bought for me by my friend Ashley on her recent visit to South West Virginia. Ashley knows that I like fresh persimmons so she took  chance and bought the dried version at the Oasis World Market in Blacksburg.  She nailed it! If you like fresh dates or figs it's most likely that you will enjoy the dried version off season. So it is with Persimmons.  Wonderful when fresh.  Very good when dried. Thanks A  

The Historic Anglo/Australian Accord. A gift for Queen Elizabeth II on her Platinum Anniversary

  Maybe you've not heard about the Anglo/Australian Accord.  It was signed recently by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a secret meeting held on Diego Garcia. Some background. Morrison and Johnson are known in their respective Countries to epitomize the leadership qualities of probity, self-effacement, wisdom, moderation and collegiality.  They are humble. Johnson said so of himself in his Tuesday speech to the U.K. House of Commons. With those character traits in mind they decided not to blow the trumpet about their Diego Garcia Accord. It had to do with festering Marmite/Vegemite controversy. Which is best, Vegemite or Marmite?  Aussies swear by Vegemite. Brits know that Marmite is the superior product. Hidden in the depths of history are the "Toast and Marmite" v "Toast and Vegemite" duels which have been fought on this issue. Scott and Boris met knowing that Queen Elizabeth II is d...

FAVA BEANS AGAIN - I may be offered a job!

  I was at Yoder's Market on Bahia Vista St again today, on my way home from Arlington Park. Yoder's is my only source for Fava Beans. It was my fervent hope that they would have some in stock.  At first I was disappointed, then I saw that they were on the different shelf.  Oh joy! I told the shelf stocker that I grew up in England eating Fava Beans - but we called them Broad Beans.  He responded that he too is familiar with them from his Mexican homeland, where they are called Habas. As I walked to the counter a woman saw that I was carrying the Favas.  She asked what they were, and how they are eaten. I gave her the long story. She promised to try them.   Then a Mennonite/Amish woman asked me about Favas.  I gave her my spiel, and added that I am also ultra-fond of Parsnips To my surprise she said that she had never seen or eaten them. So how does one describe a Parsnip.  I said that they look like white Carrots, but have an ...

Easter Day 2022. Good Friends. Great Food.

  Once again I was at meLANge my "go-to-super-food restaurant of choice"  in Sarasota. My guests were Fred and Diana Emrich, and Ed Green. I've known Fred  (also a retired Episcopal Priest) for more than twenty-five years.  We served in the Diocese of Western Massachusetts at the same time.  He had the good sense to marry Diana (his better half) sometime after the end of his first marriage.  Diana's story is fascinating.  She and her sister were (born?) and raised in India where their father was a big-wig in Imperial Airways (later BOAC).  When her father was transferred to somewhere in Africa, the sisters were sent home to post WWII England, and to a Boarding School where the food and weather were cold and grey, quite unlike the food and climate of India.   Later on Diana was a Stewardess with Pan-Am,  a prestigious job "back then".  With us at meLANge was my neighbour Ed Green. We had a splendid ...

Seders To Remember.

  I have been a guest at two Seders.  The first was some twenty five years ago at the home of Rabbi Arthur Rulnick and Adrienne Rulnick in Pittsfield MA. I arrived bearing my Christian Solemn Good Friday face.    I soon learned that a Seder is rooted in joy  -  the joy of a people delivered from bondage and slavery. Last night (15th April) I was happy to be at Sarasota's Temple Emmanu-el Seder. There were maybe two hundred of us, comfortably seated in the Banqueting Hall of "Michaels on East": a restaurant; superior wine store; and banqueting facility.  Sarasotans will know that Michaels is "not too shabby"! Here are some photo's from last night. By our request I was seated with Susan and Alice.   I have known Alice for fifteen or so years; Susan from more recent years. I forgot to take their photo' last night, so this one is from a prior Temple-Emmanu-el event.  The blessing of the Seder was enhanced greatly because I was...

Why is this Night Different from All Other Nights?

  I am looking forward to attending Temple Emmanu-el's first Seder, later this evening. We'll be together at "Michael's on East".

FOOD: The GREAT and the Pretty Durn Good!

THE GREAT  --  AT MELANGE: SARASOTA'S BEST RESTAURANT. ... Chef Lan's Gnocchi... mozzarella & fromage blanc, baked tomato, faux chorizo, caramelized leeks, and baby kale. I'll be there on Easter Day. I am already salivating! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PRETTY DURN GOOD. Home cooked at the Povery today. Cottage Pie: with multi coloured Carrots, and Fava (Broad) Beans.

Old Duffers and Dufferesses with their toys.

  At the west pond in the Nathan Benderson Park Radio controlled model yachts. I want one, but not at the cost of becoming a Duffer. FROM U.S. NEWS In Sarasota, Fla., the model yacht club has about 135 members that get together at Nathan Benderson Park throughout the year, to race their single-class boats, said Richard Lomax, who until recently served as managing editor of Model Yachting magazine. Radio-controlled yacht clubs that focus on racing generally require members have the same type of boat so that most of the difference between winning and losing is the result of the skills of the skipper — or the person operating the controls of the transmitter that relays signals to the rudder and sails.

The Earl of Oxford and Queen Elizabeth I. Important History You May Have Missed ( Oh Yeah?) (Tee Hee!)

😉   Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, 1550-1604, was a favourite of Queen Elizabeth,1533-1603.  Making a deep bow before Elizabeth, he happened to let out a fart.  He was so ashamed that he left the country ... supposedly for seven years.  On his return, Elizabeth greeted him with the words, "My Lord, I had forgot the fart."

The Other Max

  Friends Bill and Patrick reminded me that they also have a Schnauzer named Max.    He is now three years old.  This photo' shows Zion and their Max when the latter was about four months old. This Max was a bit more energetic than Susan's (see yesterday's blog).  After the nice nose to nose  (above) Zion walked away, then looked back as if to say,  "I've had enough of your energy, I'm getting out of here!"


My Bayfront Park walking friend Susan is the new and  proud "mother" of MAX, a precious Schnauzer Puppy. I rarely use this word, but he is adorable. Zion agrees with me.  More so,  he is fixated on, or mesmerized by Max,  showing a wonderful tenderness to the little one.  Zion is like an older big brother who wants to tell a new baby brother  "Don't worry, I'll take care of you". Z's undeviating, laser focused stare. I suggested to Susan and her walking companion that they should walk ahead.  Z would have none of it!  He followed as closely as possible. In the four plus years that Z and I have lived together he has never jumped up on another person. Once, in the early days,  when I had been away leaving Z in a wonderful Canine Motel, Z showed that he and I were best pals when I returned.   I was seated, and he ran t'wards me,  placing his forepaws on my shoulders.  That was our earliest  bonding m...

Paul Robeson 1898-1976 Today is the Anniversary of His Birth

  By any measure this man was great.  But we should remember that his greatness as a singer was far from the whole truth about his whole life. He was an indefatigable worker for racial civil rights, and for the welfare of ordinary workers who, oppressed  by unscrupulous "big business", needed the protections of Trade's Unions.   Robeson was always on the side of the oppressed.  For that he was despised, vilified  and rejected by the American ruling classes. It goes to say that he was not without his flaws. But flaws are not the  measure of the man, or else we should all be in deep doo-doo. My parents,  moderate working class socialists, always spoke highly of Mr. Robeson.  I always got the sense that their admiration was rooted in more than his utterly gorgeous voice.  They had the sense that he was on their side.  Those instincts were honed today as I watched a video of Mr. Robeson as he sang to a...

If You Haven't Savoured CANADIAN COFFEE You've Never Tasted the Best

  ======================================== Yippee aye EH.  It's now available in Florida: Canada's favourite Coffee.   Grown from the finest Arabica Coffee bushes on the sunny slopes of Labrador. Transported in fine mesh Newfoundland hand made fishing nets, and escorted by the RCMP to Alberta and British Columbia; there to be roasted by the red hot western Canadian politics. Escorted back east to Quebec, then hand ground by holy Quebecois widows with their treasured antique Mortier et Pilons. History, culture, politics and language in every fragrant cup. "Be educated as you sip." It's the only way.   Henceforth I'll drink nothing other than the culturally and historically rich Can a dian Coffee.     Grown with Care Transported with Respect Roasted with Passion Ground with Artisanal Skill  I'll eschew all others.  Tim Hortons is the most polite coffee in the world.                 ...

Ninety grown men singing, with tears running down our faces.

  Two songs we learned and sang, with tears running down our cheeks at an annual January Retreat for Gay men at Kirkridge, Pennsylvania. I was one of those men, who at Kirkridge learned to love myself. I am teary eyed as I sing along with these songs! (Photo' of Kirkridge follows) Refrain Spirit, Spirit of gentleness, blow through the wilderness calling and free, Spirit, Spirit of restlessness, stir me from placidness, wind, wind on the sea. 1 You moved on the waters, you called to the deep, then you coaxed up the mountains from the valleys of sleep; and over the eons you called to each thing: "Awake from your slumbers and rise on your wings." 2 You swept through the desert, you stung with the sand, and you goaded your people with a law and a land; and when they were blinded with idols and lies, then you spoke through your prophets to open their eyes. 3 You sang in a stable, you cried from a hill, then you whispered in silence when the who...
  SUICIDE AT AGED TWELVE. Unthinkable, Unbelievable. God-Awful. April 04, 2022   Last Saturday a twelve year old student at Woodland Middle School in south Sarasota County took their own life.   I have no detailed information, nor do I need or want it. 'Tis enough to know that the family; their friends and neighbours; the student body and the school staff are shocked beyond comprehension, yeah even traumatised. The School Administrators have been in touch with the Humane Society of Sarasota with an urgent request for Canine Therapy teams. Thus it is that Zion and I will take the forty three miles journey to the school tomorrow  (Tuesday).  I'd rather be doing something else. I talked with the school's staff member who is coordinating the visits. We agreed that Zion will do his stuff not only for students, but also for staff. I will not be saying a lot.   I'll be the man at the end of the leash whilst Zion spreads his love. SUICIDE A...

Living Next to a Barnyard

  There is a road in Fitchburg, MA which I sometimes traveled.  I think that it was called Stickney Rd.  It took me by one of those small and almost extinct New England Dairy Farms. 'Twas not entirely a bucolic scene. As is the case in other places, the barnyard was filled with old and rusting farm equipment. Much as the farmer loved the land, the profit level was so marginal that paying for the old machinery to be taken away was simply too expensive. I sometimes think that I live next to a barnyard, even though I live in a more or less respectable Condo complex. We share a driveway. There is no dividing wall between our car ports ports This is the  neighbour, who would incessantly call out to me about this, that and nothing when I left my home. My neighbour who, when I asked "please leave me alone",  responded with "you are a disgusting human being, and as far as I am concerned you do not exist". She called out to me the other day and I did not r...