She Said That I Would Have Good Luck

At my local Publix Supermarket today I overheard a woman of apparent south east Asian origin as she asked a store clerk where she might find KIMCHI. He hadn't a clue. The woman mispronounced "Kimchi", but even if she had not done so the clerk would most likely have had no idea where to find it. I spoke up and spelled out the word. The clerk used his hand held device and said "it's in Aisle Four". As they trotted off the woman turned to me and said "you will have good luck today because of your kindness". Since I am immersing myself (a day late and a dollar short) in the novels of Amy Tan I knew exactly why she'd said this. So much Chinese and Vietnamese culture is rooted in notions of good and bad luck. When I visited Vietnam it was at the time of the Tet New Year. I saw so many Vespa/Lambretta type Scooters, and Motor Bikes overladen with people and with cartons of Coca Cola . My guide explained that Red is considered to be a lucky colou...