Coming Soon to Le Bistro Pove in Sarasota. GOAT CURRY!
One of the blessings in being the Rector at St. James's Episcopal Church in Cambridge MA was the life and witness of many parishioners from the Caribbean Islands. They were essential to our spiritual well being.
And our physical well being too! When we had a parish dinner some of them could be counted on to bring GOAT CURRY.
That's where I learned to love it. So much so that for my 65th birthday party at home in Bristol, U.K. I was fortunate enough to engage a fine chef who made Goat Curry. ( There was vegetarian Lasagna too).
Curry is more popular than Fish and Chips these days in the U.K., so I knew that my birthday meal would be a winner.
It was only after the guests had enjoyed their Curry that I told them they'd eaten Goat meat. (If they'd known it was Goat before they'd eaten it there would have been a certain eeew factor!).
I've been hunting around to find a purveyor of Goat meat in this area. I found it at "The Meat House of Sarasota".
I bought almost 4lbs today, about half a leg of Goat. The butcher (or a machine) cut it into small pieces for ease in cooking. It's on the bone - all the better for flavour.
There is a feast in the future for me, and some of my discerning friends.
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