
Showing posts from September, 2024

Buddy, the gentle and laid back Greyhound stands in the paddling pool which I donated to the Arlington Park dog area


It Doesn't Get Any Better than This

  Baked Delicata Squash with Stewed Plumcots.

Heavey Fog - Mistical at the Bay Last Sunday Morning


Help He Has a Growth in His Jaws and I Cannot Remove IT






Unintended Good Intentions

  "So" you say, "I will just eat one slice of leftover Pizza for Breakfast" So you say!

In the Manner of Dogs

  Cooper eviscerated one of his soft toys. I am posting this so that I could use the word "eviscerate". Sounds better than disembowel.

Half Awake, Half Asleep, or Half Witted - and a Claw Hammer

  I woke up at about 3:00 a.m. this morning (13th September 2024). I was thirsty.   Yes, there was a glass of water nearby;   but I am not very bright, so it got bizarre. For which are beyond my ken I decided to get some cold water from the fridge. Bizarre upon bizarre, as I left my bedroom into the hallway, I slammed the door shut.  Who knows why? But in doing so I managed to trigger the doorknob lock; a lock which I've never used. I was locked out of my own bedroom! My efforts to jimmy the lock were unsuccessful. Cooper was inside.  I was outside.  Necessity is the mother of invention. A claw hammer helped.  I broke into my own bedroom.

Baked Delicata Squash with Chili


Damn Squeaky Dog Toys

  Of course HE loves it I'm not so sure that I enjoy the incessant squeak as he follows me around our home. Should you buy another squeaky toy for Cooper I will take you out of my Will,


  I think that he has the torso of one breed, with the neck and head of another  breed  attached.

Am I safe if the driver has not reached her or his goal?


Mama G's Bread. So good. Fresh from the oven. I rip a piece off and eat it as is. No butter. No Jam. Simply the Staff of Life.


Before the "debates"; and before our important solemnities re 9/11

  I encountered two very pleasant young women joggers at Bayfront Park this morning     * I'd done so previously  -  but that was a long while ago.  *    We had not seen each other since January. We often meet regulars at the park.  But with as little a time difference as plus or minus three minutes we can miss each other.   One said "you have a new dog".   Cooper was so sweet with them. I told them that Zion had died last January.  They grew sad.  One commented that Z was an exceptionally wonderful dog.  The other agreed. That drew no argument from me. My sadness re Zion resurfaced for a minute.  Then came gladness that my dear Z had brought so much joy to so many people. That was his ministry. ********************************************* Cooper and I are doing so well.  He is as wonderful Zion was, but in many different ways. I adopted him on June 12th 2024. Acting on a whim I took him to the Humane Society today so that I could tell the adoption counselors that C and

Before Tomorrow's Facebook Deluges re the So Called Debate; and the Solemnities of 9/11

  I encountered two very pleasant young women at Bayfront Park today.  * I'd done so previously  -  but was a long while ago.  One said "you have a new dog".  Cooper was sweet with them. I told them that Zion had died last Januarysince. They grew sad.  One commented that Z was an exceptionally wonderful dog.  The other agreed, That drew no argument from me. My sadness re Zion resurfaced for a minute.  Then came gladness that my dear Z had brought so much joy to so many people. That was his ministry. * Clearly we had not seen each other since January. We often meet regulars at the park.  But with as little a time difference as three minutes we can miss. ********************************************* Cooper and I are doing so well.  He is as wonderful Zion was, but in many different ways. I adopted him on June 12th 2024. Acting on a whim I took him to the Humane Society today so that I could tell the adoption counselors that C and I are doing so well together. They appreciat

Cooper's New Toy

 A gift from his friend Ashley I think that he likes it!

Delicata Squash is in Season

  Roasted today.    Apart from the top and tail the whole thing is delicious:  Flesh, Skin, and Seeds

Cooper fighting the brush. No more sweeping for me!


Today's Visit to my Saturday Cult Meeting

 BACK ON THE SHELVES Delicate Squash    Wonderful Harvest  (Vegetarian) Chili    Superb

Throwing Caution to the Wind in My 81st Year


Sibelius Never Ceases to Delight ( and a bit about a Hymn)

  At my local Walgreen's this afternoon the delightful lecrk bore the name Karelia. I ascertained that she enjoys good music, and asked if she had heard of a piece called The Karelia Suite. At first she thought that I was being silly.  I assured her that was not the case and then she burst out in wonder : "That's My Name!" I wrote the information down.  I'm almost certain that she will track it down!   I hope so. ******************************************************************************* Ahem, one of my favourite hymn tunes, set to "All My Hope on God is founded"  bears the name Michael.    Well, you never!  Strong tune, good text.

'Tis Such a Short Season . Get 'em While You Can.


Vintage if Not Antique

I was sixteen years old when my parents got their first T.V. One channel (BBC), and no colour. Soon came a second channel (Independent T.V.) with commercials.  " You'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent", and   "Plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is" Colour T.V. came later. The focus of family life moved from the fireplace to the T.V. ------------------------------ Sixty four years later; I have all but no interest in watching T.V. Here is the ancient "goggle box" which my late friend Ben M gave me. I rarely view it. .. Some of my dear friends encourage me to buy a super modern flat screen model. But why buy something which I will never use?

yum time again: It Pays To Advertise

    Sarasota readers     Bohemian Delicious is on Catttlemen, east side near Palmer. Their Chicken Schinzel is the best.  I served it with baked beans in tomato sauce, so very popular in the U.K. and Ireland.  (I prefer the Irish version, which is often available in U.S. Supermarkets) If you have traveled to the U.K. or the Republic of Ireland you may have encountered them as a side dish in a Full Irish or Full English breakfast. Best of all is the (U.K.) Waitrose version of Apple Sauce.  Nice and chunky. No sugars.  Ahem  -  Bramley Apples are far superior to the boring Granny Smith cooking apple. You can order the Waitrose version on line.