Half Awake, Half Asleep, or Half Witted - and a Claw Hammer

 I woke up at about 3:00 a.m. this morning (13th September 2024).

I was thirsty.  

Yes, there was a glass of water nearby; but I am not very bright, so it got bizarre.

For which are beyond my ken I decided to get some cold water from the fridge.

Bizarre upon bizarre, as I left my bedroom into the hallway, I slammed the door shut.  Who knows why?

But in doing so I managed to trigger the doorknob lock; a lock which I've never used.

I was locked out of my own bedroom! My efforts to jimmy the lock were unsuccessful.

Cooper was inside.  I was outside. 

Necessity is the mother of invention. A claw hammer helped.  I broke into my own bedroom.


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