Before the "debates"; and before our important solemnities re 9/11

 I encountered two very pleasant young women joggers at Bayfront Park this morning   *I'd done so previously  -  but that was a long while ago.  

We had not seen each other since January. We often meet regulars at the park.  But with as little a time difference as plus or minus three minutes we can miss each other. 

One said "you have a new dog".  

Cooper was so sweet with them.

I told them that Zion had died last January.  They grew sad.  One commented that Z was an exceptionally wonderful dog.  The other agreed. That drew no argument from me.

My sadness re Zion resurfaced for a minute.  Then came gladness that my dear Z had brought so much joy to so many people. That was his ministry.


Cooper and I are doing so well.  He is as wonderful Zion was, but in many different ways.

I adopted him on June 12th 2024. Acting on a whim I took him to the Humane Society today so that I could tell the adoption counselors that C and I are doing so well together.

They appreciated my visit and were happy to see C.  I told them that C is overtly affectionate, and loves to cuddle.

They were not surprised. It turns out that he had been a staff favourite.  But of course!

Our Meet and Greet at HSSC on June 11th.  We sealed the deal the next day.


Many of you never met my first Sarasota rescue;  Penne, a sweet and gentle girl if ever there was one.

We used to visit my friends Ron and Char.   One day their brother-in-law D  was visiting -  he who was a bit afeard of dogs.  Penne won his heart -  he became a dog lover!

Penne would stay with Ron and Char when I traveled. She became Char's shadow in my absence.

When I returned he would stage such unbridled excitement and joy; worthy of the dramatic ending of an over the top opera.


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