
Showing posts from February, 2025

No Shopping Day, 28th Feb 2024

                               MY FAIL  I needed to purchase Chicken thighs for the Lord of My Manor.   His Excellency Cooper Povey. By the way  -  has anyone seen or read coverage of No Shopping Day in lock or national media?

The Best: Taste Them Cherries!


David and Goliath: Coooper Meets a Thirteen-Week-Old Puppy At the 17th. St. Park

  At the 17th Street Dog Park this afternoon Cooper met a so-called "Polar Retriever" who was on his first visit to a Dog Park -= at aged thirteen weeks  The t hirteen weeks old puppy was ready for fun.  Cooper was his gracious self.  He allowed the Puppy to "win". The owner of the puppy was tickled pink that his dog's first visit to the park involved this visit included a romp with my beloved Mt. C

Don't Even Think About it Cooper

  This is Smiley.  He was given to me by a girlfriend way back in 1975 when I told her that I'd never had a Teddy Bear. Smiley has been propped on the bed pillows in my spare bedroom in many homes for most of those years. Yesterday Cooper decided to rescue him. If you see Cooper please repeat to him what I am saying. " Cooper, if you eviscerate Smiley there will be trouble.  For sure.

My Trinity: Framed badly. I Think That I Will Have Them Reframed in a Montage

                                          Zion \                                                                Cooper                                     Penne

Someone You Know?


So Handsome


You Can Store Your Stuff ----------- BUT

  ----- please do not try to store your life.  Enjoy it to the fullest you are able now.   Don't try to store it away and hope to come back to it later. It will not be there. Bucket Lists are useless.   The Bucket is bound to be leaky. Carpe Diem

When Choral Music You Have Not Heard for Years Stirs and Feeds Your Soul RANDALL THOMPSON

On Sarasota's Classical Music Radio Station (WSMR ) yesterday:  the stupendous "Alleluia" by Randall Thompson. I hadn't heard it in years- maybe since back in the 1980's when the St. Stephen's Parish, Pittsfield, MA sang  it with grace and beauty. Oh such food for the soul, just when my soul needed it

A Friend Thought that he Needed a Blankie


on the couch he loves to snuggle I tickle his ears as I pass by


Fumbulaya a la Pove. Making it up as I go along.

  Brown rice medley cooked in seafood stock. German bratwurst. Shrimp. Okra (yes I like Okra). Creating the  recipe as I go along. Added some Cajun spices; and a bit of leftover Barbecue sauce. Not true Jumbalaya, but Fumblelaya! GOOD! .

A Matter Of Taste

  When you want your Ketchup to have the rich flavour of Tomatoes choose Trader Joe's  not the sugary syrup flavour of the major brand with its faint resemblance to tomato-ness

Great Pyrenees at 17th St Park. As shy as they come


A Tale Of Two Dobermans

  Just before the New Year my friends Laurie and Patrick took Cooper to BOOS. Boos was a wonderful place where there were dog parks; and where you could but superb wood cooked Pizza.  Sad to report, BOOS is now closed. Whilst we were there Cooper had a crush on the handsome Doberman, photo'd above.  Coop followed the Doberman everywhere. The Doberman was not impressed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This afternoon Cooper and I went to 17th St. Park, there to meet Maia, an eleven-month-old female Doberman pup. Maia was with two men and two boys. A grandfather; son, and two grandsons/sons. They told me that Maia would never have her ears docked.  GREAT! They also explained that this was Maia's first visit to a dog park; and that she was very shy. It took a while, but in due course young Maia consented to have some short run-arounds with Cooper.   Cooper has a magic which makes othe...


  Troy, an ultra-good guy, was making a fuss of Cooper at the 17th St. Park Troy's dog Cado was not happy with this.  He launched into a fierce attack on Mr C.  We separated the dogs. Cooper sustained a minor injury on his left cheek, below his eye and above his muzzle. Dear Coooper would not let me out of his sight until Troy and Cado left the park.

Superior Rice Pudding

  Cook the long grain white rice in a saucepan until the rice is softened. Drain any surplus water. Then add Coconut and Almond Creamer, and perhaps some Whipping Cream.    I mix in some ground Nutmeg; others may prefer ground Cinnamon. Pretty Darned Good! ame

From the Scots Corner/British Food store in Sarasota

 HORLICKS   (a strange name).  A powdered British malty bedtime drink made with warm milk.  Helps ya to sleep 'Tis good!


  When I arrived at Mama G's this morning it was to see four young people as they enjoyed an out of doors breakfast.  I left Mr. C in the car. He was in a barking mode. The four young people were amused.  So after making my purchases I took Mr. C to visit with them.   He stopped barking and reverted to his not inconsiderable charm.  One asked "what is his name?" I responded "he has a temporary name for now. It is DONALD  because he is so mouthy" They were greatly amused!

The Wonderful MAMA G gave me a St. Valentine's Day Cookie Today


At a Traffic Light

  Nice van.  But what are the problems?

St. Valentine's Day

                                                                      I                                   Me

A Lovely Visitor, and a Great Lunch

  My dear and beloved friend Judy is in town, visiting from Wakefield MA ,at the home of our mutual friends Ron and Charlotte. Judy liked Cooper.  Cooper liked her! I took Judy for lunch to this fine restaurant on Longboat Key   I feasted on Jambalaya  A Feast Indeed

Cooper and His Foot Fetish

  He likes it when I rub his belly with my foot. Then he reverts to play fighting and tries to bite my foot

The Perilous World of a Second Mortgage

  I had no choice but to take out a second mortgage to buy these.

A Younger Belgian Malinois Plays with Cooper at the park, The younger (lighter colour) is about three months old. Cooper is three months old


Forgive Me Cooper (OH DEAR!)

  On Sunday I made an online appointment for Cooper to get some shots. On Monday a member of staff at the Veterinarian Hospital called me. She asked, "is this an existing patient?"  I replied in the affirmative. She replied, "according to our records Zion died". OH FOR GOODNESS SAKE.  I'd made the online appointment for my dear departed Z.  Force of habit I guess.  I sometimes refer to Cooper as Zion. Please don't tell him.

Defiantly Counter Cultural

  I will not be watching the money-making circus known as the Super Bowl. Nor will I sing the sappy Roman Catholic Hymn "On Eagles' Wings" As we say in the U.K.  Stuff and Nonsense.

At the Park (2) and in the Supermarket . THE COOPER POVEY APPRECIATION SOCIETY

                                                          Where are my pals? Here they be Cooper and I have changed our morning routine. Instead of visiting the Bayfront Park we start the day with a visit to the 17th St. Dog Park - it's just over a mile away. There we were on Saturday 8th at 6:40 a.m.   There we met some twenty or more dogs  Mr. C was in his element,   Racing, chasing, and play fighting for more than forty five minutes. It was time to leave.  I corralled Cooper and walked to the gate alongside a woman, with her dog who was about the same size as C. The woman volunteered: "I love Cooper and I love the way he plays with my dog. He's great." As we neared the gate we encountered another woman,  with her French bulldog.  This woman also spoke up.  "Cooper is wonderful.  He is so swee...

Saturday Grub

  Casserole with Cod, Taters, and Peas; cooked in a bit of Cream of Mushroom Soup. So good!    Enough for tomorrow too

At The Park this Morning 1

  These slobbery, gentle, affectionate Giants. Great Danes Due to the angle of the photo' all black looks smaller that he is.   They don't run or play.   They meander around and lean into friendly humans.

I wish, I wish, I wish.

  1949  at my grandmother's home, with my two older sisters and my twin sister. They were picking one me. I was a sensitive child. I called out.  I wish, I wish, I wish I had a brother. My wish was granted on February 7th 1950.    Along came my brother Andrew James Povey. Goodness gracious.  I now have a seventy-five years old brother!

Soup? Stew? Maybe Stoup

                               Waste not want not Leftover Halibut Seafood Stock Onions Zucchini Squash Potatoes "Pumi" brand finely chopped tomatoes A little salt Turmeric Cooked slowly in a saucepan

Coffee Hour Today

  Not at Church, but at the Dog Park. Cooper and I went to the Dog Park.    We made our way to the Pavilion where I rest whilst Cooper plays. There were two men there with their sleepy dogs.  They were soon joined with dogless woman. The three grunted their good mornings to me. Then they chatted at length about a group e-mail they'd all received.   'Twas about a gathering at the Marina Jack restaurant. I might as well have been a bump on a log; or perhaps I was the invisible man.  They made to effort to engage me. It made me think about newcomers to Church who are urged to be at Coffee Hour after the service.  Then they are ignored.

Is Dismemberment an Option?

It's that time again  = MOHS surgery with the wonderful Dr. Bogart 'Tis the first time since last July. I'll need three appointments for MOHS surgery for scattered Squamous cell carcinomas 27th Feb; 6th March; 13th March. When I received a 'phone call this morning to schedule the appointments I asked, "Wouldn't it be easier to dismember me and bury my parts in various parts of Sarasota?" "No" the staff member replied. " You'd get squamous cells even six feet under!" Ah well.