Not a Good Start to the Day, but it got better.
The honourable Mr. Zion and I had an early walk at Bayfront Park. The cool breezes from the Bay were a delight. Back at home I had a plan. I drove out sans Zion. First to get some air for a tyre which was a bit deflated. That was the easy part. Then I drove a mile or so to our local Detwiler's Market to get heirloom tomatoes, and Kombucha. I did so.... but I had left my billfold at home. RATS! Off I went to Sarasota's North Library to donate a wonderful book. I hope that you will read it. The donation was well received by the Librarian. I recommend the book without reserve. My plan had been to check out another book, but sans billfold meant sans Library card. Back at home I tickled Zion's snout, rubbed his neck, and took him out for a pee walk. Then it was off to Trader Joe's (too hot to have a canine passenger). T J's is my other source for Kombucha, my essential night stand beverage. Of course I bought so...