The Year Of Deaths: June 2022 - June 2023 AU REVOIR MES AMIS

June 23rd 2022  The Revd. Jack Chrisman.

August 12th 2022  My dearest  (the Revd.) Gwen Sears.

Jan 3rd 2023    My twin sister Elizabeth.

June 16th  2023   Barbara Dunne.  (see yesterday's posting)

June 17th 2023  My sister Jean (Thacker).

Oh the grief and sadness which comes with ageing.

This is the only picture ever taken of my complete family. It's from 1979 immediately after the wedding of my brother Martyn to his beloved Wendy.

Back Row L- R 
Martyn,  Jmp  (I officiated),  Stephen  - died June 2016 (aged 63),  David,  Andrew.
Front Row L-R

Jean (died yesterday),  Maureen (family matriarch),   Mum (Evelyn) died 2001,  Liz (my twin, died Jan 2013,)   Ruth

It's sans our sister Sylvia who was born in 1942?.  She was horribly crippled with Spina Bifida, and lived for a matter of hours; and our father Henry John (Jack) who died in  1974 aged 63.

Dear friends.   I experience deep sadness, but not overwhelming grief. 


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