Break Forth O Beauteous Heaven Light A FAVOURITE WHICH WE SANG EVERY CHRISTMAS EVE At Stephen's Parish, Pittsfield, MA

Harmonised by J,S, Bach for the soaring tenors


Break forth, O beauteous heav'nly light,and usher in the morning.

O shepherds, shrink not with affright, but hear the angel's warning:

This child, this helpless little boy, shall be our confidence and joy,

The pow'r of Satan breaking, Our peace eternal making.

"Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light" is a Christmas hymn from the German Lutheran tradition. The original German stanza was written by Johann Rist in 1641, with an English translation by John Troutbeck. The melody was composed by Johann Schop, and the harmonization was composed by Johann Sebastian Bach12.


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