Discombobulated: Upside down and inside out.


This piece came up on Facebook.  I am grateful.

Of course I am glad for the love and care expressed to me in many ways; and have continued gratitude that my place escaped almost scott free.

Thanks too for my neighbour who wonderfully fixed the damaged windows on the porch.

And smiling about Cooper's glee when we went to the dog park when it reopened. He ran, bounced and danced with unbridled enthusiasm.

Yet with all this I am discombobulated.  Disoriented. Restless.

I breathe in the tension which surrounds us. It's in the atmosphere.

 Some because of the Hurricane; a lot because of the Presidental election politics.

I commiserate with my friend D. who has lost her home.*

I ache with my dearest friends A and D whose power came on as late  yesterday at 10:00 p.m. but who are still without running water. *

* Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

I'm so "at sea" that it was only today that I realised I had not changed my clothing or taken a shower since last Wednesday. Let this be our secret!

I shaved my beard, clipped my nails and showered. Then I remembered that I had not brushed my teeth!

Please I do not need your sympathy. Empathy is a glorious gift!

Earlier today I posted a hymn from my evangelical youth: "When peace like a River"   

I am not crazy about some of the theology in this hymn; but the haunting refrain brought strength to my soul.  


* We sing many hymns whose theology is suspect


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