Cooper's Most Excellent Adventure At the Dog Park. YES!

 Arlington Park in Sarasota: 7:15 a.m. today.

Our usual canine friends, Buddy an entirely laid-back, and passive Greyhound; and D---- an old and tired Aussie were not there.

Instead we met Ellie, maybe a Boston Terrier mix. He is smaller than he looks in the photo's.

Ellie's Mom and talked.   I assured her that Cooper had never shown aggression towards another dog.

She was worried because Ellie had once been attacked by a larger dog.

We agreed to give it a go. It turned out to be a good choice.

Ellie and Cooper raced, ran, wrangled, and did a bit of play biting for a full fifteen minutes. There was not a second of aggression.

Ellie's mother was relieved.   I was overjoyed that for the first time Cooper could have fun and games with another dog.  He is an absolute treasure!

Whoop Dee Do!


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