My pharmacist who adored Zion met Cooper today

 Mr. C came to the pharmacy today.  It's the one where Zion was all but a mascot.  Two of the pharmacists and one front desk clerk adored him

Now 'twas Cooper's turn.  He settled and sat down on command.

Mellis-a, one of the Pharmacists happened to be there.

Pharmacist M-ria was not.

Mellis-a fell in love with my dear Cooper.

D-nielle the front desk /cum pharmacy clerk who wept when Zion died was there too.  She too had a love-in with Cooper. No photo' but we will see each other on Thursday when I pick up some scrips. That will be a photo' op.

Our canine trainer was (in her words) amazed that C sat down to command in a new place.

                                                             sorry about the repeat photo'

Zion was great     Cooper is great    My stomach is too great.


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