The Key (life under stress)
I live a very quiet life at home. No T.V; no Radio.
No noise, save for the gentle ticking and lovely chiming of my forty year old Ridgeway mantle clock.
It had been silent for many years. I thought that it was not repairable. But Sarasota's "Clock Gallery" came to the rescue. They restored the clock to its fine time keeping and lovely sounds.
All well and good until this morning. Despite hunting high and low I could not find the key (which I had used just a few days ago). It must be somewhere.
No big deal eh? But under my current stress it felt like the universe was malevolent and had decided to silence my friend.
A fifteen minute drive and a $16.50 expense I drove to the Clock Gallery, (arriving soon after they opened for business) and bought a new key.
O Lucky Man!
(I have a choice of three chimes (or silence). I favour the St. Michael's chimes from the Church of that name in Charleston, S. Carolina where my great mentor, the Revd. DeWolf Perry, had once been the Rector.
(The Chimes, not from my clock, but via You Tube)
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