It's Our Sixth Anniversary, and He Cheated On Me.

 Zion and I were able to be at Bayfront Park again this morning now that my gout is all but gone.  I was looking forward to a grand walk to celebrate our sixth anniversary.

We'd no sooner arrived than Z spotted his friend Matt, who is in charge of City Parks Irrigation systems . Z likes Matt and Matt likes Z

Matt is a towering six feet plus and a big all round guy.  Z spotted him and ran t'wards him.   Matt took his leash and off they went, with never a look back at me.

Yes, Matt had treats in his City truck. 

I waited patiently for my cheating dog.  Soon he zoomed - back to me without a trace of contrition!


"Whom having not see you love"  (Quotation lifted from scripture)'

Thank you for loving my friend unseen.  ( A week or so ago I talked with my dear friend D. in Vermont and mentioned that Z was under the weather).  Her partner M. was so concerned that I was led to thank her for the concern and assure her that Z had recovered from his tummy trouble.


Zion the sleepy head.   I am a restless sleeper and usually get out of bed a couple of times to reset my mind.

As I pass Z, (and sometimes tickle his ears) he purrs.  Yes I have a purring dog.  He makes a gentle noise from his throat, just as we can do when we close our lips and breathe from the throat.



Look it up.  Humans and canines get it.  A growth on the gum which spread up or down the tooth. It's a form of cancer (broadly defined) - which never metastasizes.  It is not painful.

Zion had the growth removed about fourteen months ago,   It has returned.   He and I will see a Canine Surgeon next Friday.

Oh my dear boy and your dear boy!


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