Friends and Food


I had lunch today with my dear friend Donna  (and His Nibs). We hadn't seen each other for a while. It was a joyful time,

Donna's sister Barbara from Inverness FL was with us.



They will be together for Christmas and the New Year's Holiday.

Today we were at  

where you can get a half decent burger and fries. I chose to eat my burger sans bread.  

It's my considered/opionated view that so many burger joints get a C- for their inferior rolls. 

Back in the olden days one could order a bacon cheeseburger on what was called a "set up" at

A "set up" was the burger served on toasted sandwich bread. 


By the way, Friendly's having been driven to the ground when it was
owned by Hershey's, is now under new ownership and re-building from the ground up.

Having  had a breadless burger for lunch I had a simple ham and tomato sandwich on toasted DAVE'S BREAD for supper.  I spread the bread with 

It added a lovely zing to the delicious sandwich


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