My Dermatologist and St. Valentine's Day POVEY HUMOUR WARNING!
- Severely lacking in “Melanin” as I am , and living in S.W. Florida, I see my Dermatologist six times a year.
My February 2022 appointment was on St. Valentine's Day. I took each staff member a big bag of M and M's - you know the ones with a caramel center.
Smiles all around.
My appointment this year was on 8th February, a bit early for Valentine's Day.
Not to be bested I took a brown bag with four packages of Girl Scout Cookies to the Office this morning, arriving at opening time. A receptionist took my bag of goodies to the Doctor's desk.
Even before a left the office complex an early bird staff member called to thank me, and to laugh at my Wacky Humour.
Here is what I printed on the bag
From the English Patient on St. Valentine’s Day.
Once processed by the Intake Officer I am frog matched down the hall way to my cell.
There I am interrogated fiercely, and sometimes asked to remove an article of clothing.
Then Dr. S enters and zaps me multiple times with her stun gun.
But it’s all worthwhile, and I leave smiling with gratitude!
Cookies to share!
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