My Consp--atory Theory (and "Well I Never")

 My Consp--atory Theory

There is an International League of Potato Mashers whose mission is make Mashers all but invisible in "that Kitchen Drawer";  which many of us use to store large kitchen items ( draining spoons, spatulas, cheese graters, pizza slicers, a nest of measuring cups and the like).

It's an evil plot!


 "Well I Never"

At Sarasota's Bayfront Park this morning Z and I met a fifty-something couple with their dog.  The man went gaga over Zion:  Quelle surprise!

After our walk Z and I drove about three miles north to the fabulous German Bakery (Mama G's).

Guess who was in line before us?

The couple we'd met twenty minutes earlier at the Park.  

The man asked  "are you following us?"  Smiles all around.


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