Cataract Surgery. What "they" did not tell me.
I'd been led to believe that the surgery for my cataracts would be "drive through, do it yourself" 😂
I was disabused of that notion this morning when I had my first appointment with Eye Associates at their Bradenton Office.
I was shuttled from one technician to another until eventually I met the Surgeon, Dr. Foster.
I liked him. He is personable. He gave very clear information. He listened well.
So what is next?
I will be back at the Clinic on January 20th for IOL measurements, after which the dates for my surgeries will be set
BUT beginning on Jan 13th I will undertake a rigorous set of daily preparations.
1. Eye Drops four times per day (but not with common or garden eye drops, but WITH those which are medically approved; e.g. "Blink')
2. Starting Jan 7th daily use of Systane Gel; and the application of hot water compresses on both eyes twice a day. Apart from the Cataracts my Corneas (?) are horribly dry.
If I do what needs to be done the IOL measurement appointment on Jan 20th will clear the path for the Cataract Surgery itself please!
I think and hope that I am on top of this regimen.
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