Not Quite Famous: But Certainly Well Known.


We were at the Nathan Benderson park last week.    We came across two women who were walking their dog.  One of them said that she felt certain that she had met Z at another Park.

I asked if it could have been at Arlington Park.  She replied "Oh yes, and his name is Zion!"  

I was at our local independent Pet Food supply store on Friday to get some NUTRO kibble for Z.  

There was a bit of gentle confusion as to who was next in line at the check out.  It wasn't me.  The woman ahead of me asked  "It's Zion isn't it, and Michael ? NOT  "Michael and Zion" .  I know my place!

Turned out that the woman and I have met from time to time at the 8:00 a.m. opening of our cult meeting: a.k.a Trader Joe's.

There is no locally owned version of Trader Joe's.  But I am delighted to take my business to an indy Pet Supply Store;  and also to our Sarasota treasure -  an Indy Bookstore where I ordered a book today.

Fie on Amazon and on the Pet Food chains.  I am lucky to live in SRQ where we have great local business.


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