A bit of my Condo, repaired by a neighbour after Hurricane Ian

The damage could have have been repaired by the Condo. Association, but my neighbour beat them to it.

AH YES  a Condominium Association to which I gladly pay monthly dues.  It's a bargain.

The dues cover such items as:  Weekly Landscaping; Trash and Recycling Collection; Water and Sewer costs (we do not have individual meters); Cable T.V; Repairs to the exterior of each unit -  and a programme for regular exterior painting and roof replacement (covered by prudent reserves); Road maintenance  (our streets are private); Exterior sewer line repairs; Electricity for Street lights and the Club House; Swimming pool heating and repair;  The list goes on.

Most importantly Property Insurance - essential in our tropical storm/hurricane prone area.

Florida residents will know that the Property Insurance business is in complete disarray here.  So much so that only one of the seven Insurance Firms we contacted in Florida was willing to insure us for 2023, at a price!

That price means that our Monthly dues will increase by more than $30 per unit.  We have no choice.

Enter an Owner who urged some of us (via Text Messages) to boycott the Association Meeting at which the Board will be asked  to approve the 2023 budget.  Should that boycott be successful the 2023 budget would have to be the same as in 2022; leading to a year end deficit.

Sadly/Glady the dissident owner sent me his text message, thinking that I would be a supporter of his destructive plan.

Far from it!  So I have been the Deep Throat who alerted Board members about  this dastardly and disruptive "plan"; and 'phoned eight or so members to remind them to submit their Proxy votes.

A point of view is fine. Destructive action is not.



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