I LOVE THE LORD HE HEARD MY VOICE A Hymn Which Nurtures My Soul and Brings Tears to My Eyes.
This is the song which Whitney Houston belted out in the film "The Preacher's Wife" Magnificent stuff! (see below).
It's a hymn/song which never fails to move me ( J. Michael Lachrymose Povey ).
We sang it at St. James's, Porter Square, Cambridge using an Episcopal Church Hymnal named "Lift Ev'ry Voice".
Perhaps that Hymnal never made it south of the Mason/Dixon line. I've not sung it since moving south in 2006.
I like this version from the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Enjoy it and weep with me.
The original text is by Isaac Watts (c/f "When I survey the Wondrous Cross"). Watts' text arises from Psalm 116 v 1.
Here is the same song from "The Preacher's Wife"
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