Fear Of Infection

 Saturday morning (29th October) saw me at my local Library (Fruitville Branch).   The parking lot was crowded.  I hadn't reckoned with Fruitville being a site for early voting.

The rules are strict.  Partisan supporters are allowed be at voting sites, but they must be (?) yards away from the entrance to the polling place entrance.

With that in mind I was not surprised to see two canopy tents in the parking lot: Red for Republicans, Blue for Democrats.

I avoided the red tent and parked near the blue tent.  I had a brief conversation with the Democratic party partisans saying, (tongue in cheek) "I did not park near the red (Republican) tent for fear of infection".

I am more likely to become a Buddhist monk than to become a  Republican. It's not because the Democratic Party is perfect. It is  because the modern Republican Party bares no resemblance to (say) the party of  Pres. Dwight David Eisenhower.  

Trumpists, who now control the Republican Party, have morphed into a party of hatred.  

Hatred of feminists.

Disdain for women.

Hatred of GLBT youth; male, female or in between.  

Fear of and hatred towards Black Americans  (they are animals).

Cruelty towards immigrants from central and south America. (Deceiving some into believing that they would be given jobs, then shipping them like cargo from Texas via Florida to Martha's Vineyard).

Beastly disdain for Public School teachers and limiting their freedom to address GLBT issues (to do so the Republicans aster would amount to "grooming").

Banning books (just as the Soviets and the European Fasciitis did).

Overlooking or tacitly approving of political violence, (the Charlottesville N-zi March, and the January 6th attempted coup d'etat.

Believing, and indeed peddling every wild conspiracy theory.


Of course I could not be infected by the presence of the Red Tent at the Library.

But we should all fear for the future of the United States of America: an America in which millions of  Republicans are infected with hatred - a communicable disease.


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