Perchance To Sleep. To Dream and Remember the Dream - a Certainty

 "To Sleep, Perchance To Dream"  In my case, Shakespeare got it the wrong way round.

"You are one of the most restless sleepers I've ever seen".  So said a sleep Doctor some ten years ago;  after I'd had an overnight sleep test.

I know it.  My bed looks like a battle scene in the morning.

One of the factors is restless arm syndrome. I sleep on my left side with my right arm over my body, and resting on top of my left hand.

Inevitably I get what feels liked an electric shock on my right arm. Then I slap my left hand, slap my left, shoulder, then slap the left hand again.

I am told that I probably have a potassium deficiency.

I dream a lot, and remember the dreams.  My most famous one was when I dreamed of a talking Camel who delivered the mail on a route which began in Southampton, England and ended in Cardiff, Wales. Or so he told me.

Two nights ago I saw a  KaBoom florist shop in my dream. 

 Remember that "Seven Day Wonder Florist" chain with its ugly but eye catching purple theme colour  (Now out of business).

Real life enters our dreams.  The day before I had been talking with my friend Donna C and her daughter Ashley about the Altar Flowers for the Aug 3rd funeral of husband and father Jack A Chrisman.

The same night I dreamed that I was at Mar-a-Lago to conduct a wedding.  I met a much younger looking DJT

I said "I am Michael Povey. I am British born and an American citizen.  I am an Anglican Priest.  "The Donald" gave me a special badge which I received with gratitude, and affixed to my lapel.

Even in my dream I thought "Damn, why was I so nice to him, why did I not give him a piece of my mind!"

As for the wedding. Confusion abounded.  I could not find the sheet music for a song which the bride had requested.  I bumped into Kay and Barbara, old friends from Pittsfield.   I walked outside of  Mar-a-Lago only to see an unimpressive and un-ploughed/plowed field.

The wedding never happened.

As for the sheet music.  In waking life I'd been searching for a song  which is to be sung at Jack A Chrisman's funeral.



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