Shortage of Health Care Workers - and "Lockjaw"
My friend Lizzie C. in Bordeaux writes this about her husband John- Paul who is bedridden with Parkinson's Disease:
"I have a lot of people to see these days to arrange for Jean-Paul's care this coming summer. You may have heard that here in France, hospitals and medical services are shutting down, and personnel is very difficult."
"Hmm" Not only in France. The same issue is acute in the U.K., and in many parts of the U.S.A. Oh Covid 19.
We are a bit, but not totally shielded from this in prosperous Sarasota.
I was in a Walgreens store
on Monday (5/30/2022) to get some photo's printed from my I-phone. It was outside my usual area of trade but in the fairly near Lakewood Ranch. The store was eerily quiet. I asked the check-out Clerk about this. He told me that this was because the Pharmacy was closed for the day, for lack of staff.
Today (Tuesday) I had my annual medical with my Primary Care Physician. All is well She noted that I was long overdue for an anti-tetanus shot, (I got it yesterday). That reminded me of an Aunt I never knew, my Mum's only sister Kate. Kate died in the twenties or thirties (?) with what then was called "lockjaw.
I asked her about my perception that fewer Pharmacists are on the ground in Covid-time. She agreed and added "and Nurses and Physicians".
France, the U.K and the U.S are in the same basket---------------------------------------------------------------------
See above re France.
In Great Britain there are thousands of people who cannot be discharged from Hospital because of (a) the shortage of Care Homes, and (b) more importantly of Home Health care givers.
The shortages in the U.S. are noted above. Pity the people who live in rural America who live at a distance from providers of health and respite care.
There are providers of all manner of services with staffing problems.
In my home City (Bristol, U.K.) a shortage of 'bus drivers, exacerbating the misfunctioning of the historically notorious lousy 'bus service.
In Manatee Sarasota Counties (S.W. Florida) a desperate shortage of school 'bus drivers.
In some of Spain's many gorgeous beach resort towns employers cannot recruit hospitality service workers for love or money.
Where have all the workers gone?
Could it be that they are unwilling to work in business sectors where not only are the salaries stingy, but also where they are more likely to be exposed to Covid 19
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