I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice-Cream.


We all scream?    

Maybe not.  

I like Ice Cream well enough but I'll never scream for it. It's low in my pantheon of favourite dessert treats.

But then there is Sarasota's BIG OLAF Creamery in the Amish/Mennonite area.

Big Olaf is one of the few local sources of SOFT SERVE Ice Cream (my favourite). but  'tis  too hard to eat in our super hot June days. A Cone (sometimes called  a Cornet in the U.K) is likely to deliver  more soft serve to my walking shorts than to my mouth.

"Faint Not Nor Fear"  Big Olaf also offers Tub Ice Cream.


I bought a 64 oz.  tub of Big Olaf Ice Cream today; as a gift to my good friend Donna C

She likes ice-cream.  She adores desiccated coconut.

My gift had both.  

64 oz. for $9

I sampled a bit before  giving the Big Tub to Donna.


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