Seventy Eight Years Plus Two Days.

 We couldn't get together on "The Day" so I was the guest of my friend Ashley for a birthday celebration today.

We went to Siegfried's German Restaurant on Fruitville Rd, Sarasota -  which was my choice. 

The food was good, but not great.  My yardstick for GREAT restaurants is "meLANge" on Main Street, Sarasota.

Brigham Young who led the Latter Day Saints  (Mormons) from Independence, Missouri on their long trek west after the murder of Joseph Smith, is supposed to have exclaimed "This is the Place" when they reached what is now Salt Lake City.

When I drive to (or past) meLANge I say or think "This is the place!",

Ashley is thoughtful and creative.  Her birthday gift for me is a Tee Shirt, but not any old Tee Shirt.

Yes, that is the true Zion. Ash sent a photo' of my beloved "Mr Z." to an outfit in New York where it was transferred to the shirt. WHAT FUN!

As we walk out I will be identified as "Zion's Human!" 

Whoop de Do!


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