Sarasota County FL and Manatee County FL Friends. HELP!

 Whether or not you live in Sarasota or Manatee Counties in Florida; or if you live in Florida; or if you live anywhere in the U.S.A.; or even if you live in any other English language Countries you will recognise the problem.

"How in a world, where computerisation rules the roost, do you communicate with big businesses  by 'phone?"

In some cases you'll be expected to hang on the line to make your connection for many minutes or even hours;  all the while listening to mindless muzak.

Better businesses have a good plan.  If ya press a given key they will call you when an agent is available.

Rotten businesses will not as much help by even  posting a 'phone number.

Instead you will be asked to choose from a variety of on-line options.

FPL  (Florida Power and Light) falls into this category.  

I have a minor dispute with FPL about a bill.  "D'ya think that I could talk about this with a person?  NOT A CHANCE.

I spent more than an hour this afternoon trying to resolve my issue on line. None of the "press a digit" options offered by FPL were helpful.

So I spent a while using a 'phone application , but none of the options it offered would  help.  I wanted to speak with a sentient human being.

I could not find a 'phone number on the FPL page by which I could do this.

So dear Sarasota and Manatee County friends, if you know of an FPL 'phone # by which I can speak to a person (not a computer) please send it to me at

I will be eternally grateful  (or at least for a day or two!)


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