Michael Povey's Excellent Adventure: Part 2

 I have often said that a Minister's most important ministry is to help enable connections.  

"Pointing out the ways by which people might connect with God; with other people of faith;, and with the Creation. 

I've done a lot of that connecting for many years.  For instance I stayed in touch with my third and fourth grade teacher (Miss Jean Smith) for very many years.  I would visit her every time I went home to Bristol. As an adult I could never call her Jean.  She was forever Miss Smith.

So part of my excellent adventure in Massachusetts was to sustain connections.  You've already read about my tender visit with Gwen Sears -  the quintessential Deacon; as was the late Alan Rogers of St Boniface Church, Sarasota.

Last Friday I drove from Boston Logan Airport to Northampton, MA where they live, to connect with my friends Joe and Dee. It was a horrendous journey on the Mass Pike.  I arrived at their home much later than I had planned. Joe had made a splendid  salmon salad (which was just what I needed!).  Since I was running very late I could only spend 90 minutes with them, each minute a pleasure.  They graciously understood that I could not  stay long.  

    I've known Joe since (maybe) 1981.  I met Dee a bit later.  I participated in their Catholic wedding; and was with them when there was a terrible tragedy in Joe's family; and later assisted at the Catholic funerals of Joe's mother and father

From Northampton to Lenox MA for my visit with Deacon Gwen Sears  (see yesterdays post).

Leaving Gwen I drove to Lee, MA  where I had a reservation at a simply splendid Best Western  (truly).

My dear friends Ben and Ted drove to Lee MA from Copake N.Y.  We had a super dinner at an Indian restaurant called The Mint.  Again I have known Ben for very many years, and Ted a bit later. They have been together since 1996.

Back in Cambridge MA on Saturday 14rh.

On Sunday afternoon I drove west again to see my friends Richard and Elizabeth in Holden, MA.  

You've heard something  like this before! I have known Richard since about 1997 in Fitchburg, MA;  Elizabeth a bit later -   they met at Clark University in Worcester MA. I participated in their Catholic Wedding on Long Island in 1984. 

Richard and Elizabeth are dealing with his blood cancer.  He had a Stem Cell transplant last year. It is not a magical cure.  So I had to see them when I was in the Bay State.  My eyes were filled with tears when I bade them farewell; as they are as I write this blog.


In Cambridge MA I stayed for two nights with Patrick Michaels and his wife the Revd. Laurie Rofinot in  Somerville, MA .  I "adore" them and their daughter Marion.  Pat was and is the fabulous Musician at St. James's Cambridge. MA .  Laurie joined our team for a while as Director of Christian Education.  I was "cool" with having a wife and husband team on "my staff".

Pat, Laurie and Marion remembered  that my birthday is later this month, on St. Augustine of Canterbury Day.

So out came a birthday cake on Sunday evening after a splendid dinner cooked by Marion,

Yer tis!

Totally delicious.  I managed to blow out the candle with one puff!

Please keep your connections alive.  They will be  a source of great blessing. 


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