Infant Deaths in My Family, and The Massacre of the Innocents.


In about 1943  my mother gave birth to a daughter.  She was named Sylvia.

Sylvia died in a matter of days; she had severe Spina Difida (sp?). My mother never forgot Sylvia. I, born in 1944,  grew up knowing that I had a sister who I'd never met.

A sister gave birth to a healthy son. His name was Jack. He died at three or so months from what is called "sudden crib death".  Jack has never been forgotten.

A brother and his wife lost a son named Thomas. He was born prematurely.  I happened to arrive in England on the day of his birth. I baptised him in the neo-natal department of a Bristol Hospital. 

I said the prayers at his burial a week later.  He is always remembered by his Mum and Dad  (and me).

A niece was carrying three children at the same time .  Two were twins, the other was not.  (These things happen).  One of the twins died before birth.   She was delivered and given a decent and proper burial.  Has she been forgotten.  Hell no!


Never forgotten

By the parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins of the fourteen children massacred in Parkland, FL; 

Never forgotten 

By the parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins of the twenty children in Sandy Hook. Newtown CT.

Never forgotten 

By the parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins of the fourteen children in Uvalde, TX.

And so many others, too many others.


So much potential never to be realised.

So much laughter and parties, and shared sadness  never to be shared,

So many High School and College graduations which will never take place.

So many partnerships and marriages which will never take place.

Do you get it? The framed photo's on the wall which will ever evoke silent tears.  How can the parents and sibs ever bear to look at  them?

I, an ageing Bachelor, weep as I write these words. 

It's fucking ghastly.

I am on the far left of the American galaxy.   We lefties bleat for gun control.   It's too late.  The weapons are already out there.

Hundreds more school kids will be killed before the dominant culture eschews anger and violence.   If ever.


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