I Love My Birthday

MY BIRTHDAY.   I call it my "Me Day".  I love it.  One year I was able to have celebrations for eight consecutive days, and why not!  In the Church business we call that an Octave.

Today  (May 26th) was my 78th.    It was wonderful to get greetings via Face Book from friends who apart from Face Book would not have known that it was my "me day".  I love it.

It's been a quiet celebration.  No big parties - thank goodness.

I was to have had dinner with my bff.  That's been postponed until Saturday because of a crisis in her family today.

Of course I have also received some old fashioned birthday cards. When and if they arrive early I save them, and open them on the day itself.

Not a few have had Canine themes.  My favourite was from my brother Martyn and his wife Wendy in the U.K.    It made me grin!


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